A CLI program that helps you use Nautilus: the game-framework for VR web games
A CLI program that helps you use Nautilus: the game-framework for VR web games
🚀 Nautilus
At Verne Studios we create web experiences and VR games, so we created a tool to help us with the boiler plate. Nautilus uses Three.js to render the 3D graphics, so we use the Three.js API to control the 3D graph and extend the functionality.
We solved some recurring problems like:
- Web-vr on iOS devices
- Web-XR implementation for VR Headsets
- UI Elements using Canvas
- A Game-loop system that makes sense
💡 To-do:
File managing
- [x] Create the command to create a new project.
- [ ] Create the command to build a game.
- [ ] Create the command to create new scripts
Project handling
- [ ] Create the command to import assets.
- [ ] Create the command to remove imported assets.
Running the project
- [ ] Create the command to read/run an existing project.
- [ ] Create the logic to hot-reload project.