natUIve: mostly native front-end framework
natUIve: mostly native front-end framework/library/toolkit
~10+~10 KB framework leveraging browsers' built-in capabilities, with subtle customisation.
To use natUIve, get natuive.min.css, natuive.min.js and index.html and edit the latter. Check the homepage for details.
NPM usage:
- npm install --save-dev natuive
- require('./node_modules/natuive/index.js');
Demo pages (reimplemented real world examples)
WordPress theme, Microsoft, Imperial Innovations, Pebble homepage, Seat 61, JetBlue, Mitsubishi Regional Jet, MUBI, SWISS, Mapbox, Airbnb, GOV.UK, Google Design, Daring Fireball, Vitsœ, Apple, Brand Union, Tesla, Amnesty, Stripe, Star Wars, Norwegian, David Bowie Is (Japan), Uncharted: The Lost Legacy, Seehotel Jägerwirt, Truphone, Pixel Pioneers, Apex, Loco2,, Nikon D850, Enoden, Tuts+, Hasselblad Chinese, CNN Travel, Postbank, To Make a Film, Oslo
- Unbreakable, flexible, responsive grid. Supports Bootstrap-style wrapping columns, but with ._1/3 (1/3) etc., instead of .col...4 (4/12). Auto equal width columns with equal height and vertical alignment.
- Baseline-aligned typography, quote block, drop caps.
- Unique class names
- Embeddable grid and elements. Support for multiple modals, nested carousels, nested accordions etc
- Built around edge cases (overflowing headlines, images etc)
- Flat default style without rounded edges, shadows etc
- Semantic structure
- Dynamic components, dynamically initialised by MutationObserver
- (Mobile) navigation. Drop-down nav: Touch-first, CSS-only, JS enhanced, 1-3 levels, responsive, label/link items support
- Buttons with group container for proper line wrap
- Modal windows with multiple instances, supporting iPhone Safari toolbars
- Lightbox gallery supporting huge galleries and click to zoom. Can be opened automatically by URI page#lightbox_id. Video in lightbox. Inline lightboxes switchable to full screen.
- Tooltips with full HTML content
- Nested ordered lists
- Forms with validation, customisation and accessibility.
- Native sliders, swipeable on mobile and desktop, with numbered or thumbnail (tabs) navigation, vertical and full window options, slider inside slider, fade in/out option, auto height option
- Accordions
- Tabs
- Cards
- Grid with inline popups
- Tables accessible on narrow screens by scrolling; sortable.
- Footer sticking to the very bottom on short pages
- Language selector
- Aspect ratio image container
- Arabic (RTL) layout ready
- Masonry CSS-only (vertical track only)
- Parallax scrolling
- Fixed background
- WordPress theme with lightbox gallery
- Notification bar
- Click to copy to clipboard
- Functional without JS and accessible without CSS
- NPM install
- Documentation
- ~10 KB first view CSS + optional ~10 KB JS (combined, minified, macOS gzip)
- Seamless transition from CSS-only to JS-enhanced layout
- No dependencies
- Supporting evergreen browsers and Internet Explorer (CSS-only)
- All components accessible by keyboard
© 2014-2019