Add additional space to your app. Use it for navigation or custom content. Slides in from all four sides of the screen.
NativeScript UI SideDrawer
The NativeScript UI SideDrawer plugin allows you to have a hidden view that contains navigation UI or common settings. A popular application that uses the drawer UI is the Android Play Store app. The hidden view can be displayed with a flick gesture and can be shown from any of the four edges of the screen. The view is also displayed with a transition which can be chosen from a set of pre-defined transitions.
In Command prompt / Terminal navigate to your application root folder and run:
tns plugin add nativescript-ui-sidedrawer
More information about the usage of the plugin available in the Guides for:
API Reference
Here is the API Reference section.
Sample Apps
The features of the plugin are demonstrated in the Sample apps for:
Release Notes
The release notes are available here.
Get Help
Please, use github issues strictly for reporting bugs or requesting features.