A NativeScript plugin to use pubnub
##Usage tns plugin add nativescript-pubnub
Using Typescript
import {PubNub} from 'nativescript-pubnub';
Using javascript
var pn = require('nativescript-pubnub');
var pubnub = new pn.PubNub("pubKey","subKey");
Use any of the following methods to initialize PubNub;
new PubNub(pubKey: String, subKey: String);
new PubNub(pubKey: String, subKey: String, enableSSL: Boolean);
new PubNub(pubKey: String, subKey: String, secretKey: String);
new PubNub(pubKey: String, subKey: String, secretKey: String, enableSSL: Boolean);
new PubNub(pubKey: String, subKey: String, secretKey: String, cipherKey: String, enableSSL: Boolean);
new PubNub(pubKey: String, subKey: String, secretKey: String, cipherKey: String, enableSSL: Boolean, iv: String);
Use any of the following methods to subscribe to a channel or multiple channels;
.subscribe(channel): Promise;
.subscribe(channel:String,timetoken:Number): Promise
.subscribe(channel:String, timetoken:String): Promise
.subscribe(channels:String[], timetoken:String): Promise
.subscribe(channels:String[], timetoken:Number): Promise
.subscribe(channels:String[] ): Promise
Use any of the following methods to publish data;
Message Data: The message argument can contain any JSON serializable data, including: Objects, Arrays, Ints and Strings.
.publish(channel: String, message: any, storeInHistory: Boolean, metadata:String): Promise;
.publish(channel: String, message: any, storeInHistory: Boolean): Promise;
.publish(channel: String, message: any, metadata): Promise;
.publish(channel: String, message: any): Promise;
###History Use any of the following methods to retrieve pubnub's history;
.history(channel, count): Promise;
.history(channel, reverse): Promise;
.history(channel, start, end): Promise;
.history(channel, count, reverse): Promise;
.history(channel, start, reverse): Promise;
.history(channel, start, count): Promise;
.history(channel, includeTimetoken, count): Promise;
.history(channel, start, count, reverse): Promise;
.history(channel, start, end, count): Promise;
.history(channel, start, end, count, reverse, includeTimetoken): Promise;
.history(channel: String, start: Number, end: Number, count: Number, reverse: Boolean, includeTimetoken: Boolean): Promise;
.unsubscribe(channels: String)
###Here Now
.hereNow(channel: String, state, disable_uuids): Promise;
.hereNow(state: String, disable_uuids: Boolean): Promise;
.hereNow(channel: String): Promise;
.pamGrant(channel: String, auth_key: String, read: Boolean, write: Boolean, int: number): Promise;
.pamGrant(channel: String, auth_key: String, read: Boolean, write: Boolean): Promise;
.pamGrant(channel: String, read: Boolean, write: Boolean, int: number): Promise;
.pamGrant(channel: String, read: Boolean, write: Boolean): Promise;
.pamGrant(channel, auth_key, read, write, int): Promise;
###Add Channels to Channel Group
.channelGroupAddChannel(group: String, channels): Promise;
.channelGroupAddChannel(group: String, channels): Promise;
###Where Now
.whereNow(uuid: String): Promise;
.whereNow(): Promise;
###Audit Channel Group
.pamAuditChannelGroup(group): Promise;
.pamAuditChannelGroup(group, auth_key): Promise;
###Channel Group Grant
.pamGrantChannelGroup(group, auth_key, read, management, ttl): Promise;
.pamGrantChannelGroup(group, auth_key, read, management): Promise;
.pamGrantChannelGroup(group, read, management, ttl): Promise;
.pamGrantChannelGroup(group, read, management): Promise;
###Remove Channel Group
.channelGroupRemoveChannel(group, channels): Promise;
.channelGroupRemoveChannel(group, channel: String): Promise;