a module for interfacing with native device contacts
Native Reactive Contacts :man: :ok_woman: :woman: :boy: :princess: :older_woman: :bow: :older_man:
Table of contents:
Install for iOS development
install the package via npm
$ npm install native-reactive-contacts
go to
and drag thenative-reactive-contacts
directory to your workspace or project file tree. Make sure thatCopy items if needed is NOT checked!
, selectCreate folder references
and be sure that the sources are added to the correct target you wish to build against.on iOS10 and onward, you must add an
key to yourInfo.plist
. This provides the user some information as to why you wish to access privateContacts
<string>your message to the user advising of your apps contacts usage intent</string>
be sure the
framework is added to your target build phase:
Install for android development
coming soon! :confused:
Be sure to import NativeModules like so:
import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
Expose this library to your component codebase:
var NativeReactiveContacts = NativeModules.NativeReactiveContacts;
Request for Contacts access:
NativeReactiveContacts.requestForContactsAccess((error, access) => {
if (error) {
console.log("error requesting access:" + error);
} else {
console.log("contacts access " + JSON.stringify(access));
CRUD Operations
CREATE a new contact:
let newContact = {
"firstName": "James",
"lastName": "Bond",
"phone": "9495728219",
"email": "[email protected]"
NativeReactiveContacts.createContact(newContact, (resp) => {
console.log("new contact created:" + JSON.stringify(resp));
// your console should display the following:
new contact created: {"firstName":"James","lastName":"Bond","phone":"9495728219","email":"[email protected]"}
READ all contacts from device:
NativeReactiveContacts.fetchAllContacts((obj) => {
console.log("all contacts fetched" + JSON.stringify(obj)); // parse the object for use in your app!
// example of Anna Haro from the default device contacts on iOS:
[{"familyName":"Haro","nickname":"Annie","organizationName":"","departmentName":"","imageDataAvailable":0,"namePrefix":"","nameSuffix":"","socialProfiles":[],"phoneNumbers":[null],"identifier":"0021C776-7782-4195-9D1D-7E0C3138A323","urlAddresses":[],"postalAddresses":null,"middleName":"","jobTitle":"","note":"","phoneticMiddleName":"","phoneticGivenName":"","phoneticFamilyName":"","emailAddresses":[{"label":"home","value":"[email protected]","identifier":"0732F1F5-35C3-44E7-AC7B-3515FDC50FA0"}]
UPDATE a contact:
let updateInfo = {
"givenName": "Joe",
"familyName": "Jackson"
NativeReactiveContacts.updateContactById("349E0749-874E-4993-8AE0-FAE839DF2E34", updateInfo, (contactId, contactInfo) => {
console.log("async response" + contactId + "info" + JSON.stringify(contactInfo));
DELETE an existing contact:
NativeReactiveContacts.deleteContact("678D06E9-1D7C-44F7-949D-CE1FC8068CB9",(response) => {
console.log("contact deletion response: " + JSON.stringify(response));