Node Api Maker build with polka
Node API Maker built with polka and nodejs
The idea is to make API development quick and easy. Every single end point is handled by one file that called service. One service include:
- Input validation
- DB transaction (optional)
- Input mapping
- Error handling
Install Napim CLI globally (optional)
npm install -g napim-cli
you can check by running
napim --version
Generate Napim template (optional)
napim init project-name
change project name with your actual project name
for typescript support, ad -ts in the end eg:
napim init project-name -ts
Install dependency
cd project-name && npm install
Update Napim to current version
npm install napim
File and Folder Structure
This is default folder structur for typescript mode:
|-- dist //compiled script will be here
|-- log //all error log will be here
|-- src
|-- middleware
|-- model
|-- service
|-- stub //napim template generator, edit the template to match your needs
|-- middleware.napim
|-- model.napim
|-- service.napim
index.ts //your main js file
|-- .env
|-- .gitignore
|-- knexfile.js // by defaut napim use knex for Database Query Builder, delete it if you use nosql like mongo
|-- package.json
|-- router.json //this file will map your API endpoint to execute service file
|-- tsconfig.json
Generate NAPIM File
Generate Service
napim make:service service-name
by default service have method GET, you can change by append the method argument in the end, eg:
napim make:service login --post
this command will create file login_post.ts in service folder and append route data to router.json with tag:
array, just check it :)By default, prefix for default tag is
, so you can execute the service by access endpoint POST:[host]/api/loginIf you want to add some tag, for example
(You can add middleware likeAuth
later), add tag argumentnapim make:service users --tag=secure
You can also make dynamic endpoint, for example find user by some id
napim make:service users/:id
Generate Model
If you use Model like Objection.js to you can generate Objection model by
napim make:model ModelName
if you prefer to use raw query, just
import {db} from "napim"
and use it like db.query(trx)... see knex documentation for detailIf you want to use db transaction, just change transaction to true in your service file, ez
You like NoSQL like mongo, just edit your .env add
and create your own Model or Schema and import to your service like usuallyTODO: implement db transaction for mongo
Generate Middleware
Want to make Auth, JWT, or handle uploaded file (eg: using multer) you can create it in middleware
napim make:middleware JWT
then use it in router, append it in middleware array for example:
//router.json [ { "tag": "default", "prefix": "/api", "middleware": [], "get": [], "post": [ { "path": "/login", "service": "/login_post" } ] }, { "tag": "secure", "prefix": "/api/secure", "middleware": [ "JWT" ], "get": [ { "path": "/products/:id", "service": "/products/_id_get" } ] }, { "tag": "admin", "prefix": "/api/admin", "middleware": [ "JWT", "Admin" ], "get": [ { "path": "/products", "service": "/products_get" } ], "post": [ { "path": "/products", "service": "/products_post" } ], "delete": [ { "path": "/products/:id", "service": "/producst/_id_delete" } ], "patch": [ { "path": "/products/:id", "service": "/producst/_id_patch" } ] } ]
Polka App Instance
If you want to access polka instance, just
import {app} from "napim"