Generate 64bits-based numeric ids readable as short strings too!
A tiny unique string ID generator including a matching 64-bit numeric value
I created this lib to generate short codes youtube-alike (ex: PkZNo7MFNFg). Except that in my case I made it possible from 1 to 9 characters maximum. The size of max 9 characters being due to the 64-bit numeric limitation of Fauna Document Id which is a Long number (A 64-bit signed decimal integer number.).
You can create a document with a given ID and reverse it back and forth from an ID to a short-code.
const { nanohash } = require('nanohash')
// The default alphabet used to generate short-codes is a-zA-Z0-0
// If you wanna pick wisely the size of your codes regarding to the alphabet used I strongly recommand you to go and check
// Also even if you were to create and already existing code you could simply create another one as a fallback (or already provide a list of several codes to pick from).
const nhash = nanohash({ size: 6 })
const id = nhash.generate()
// output: 1342859071901
const shortCode = nhash.dehash(id)
// output: ysX7j1
const backToId = nhash.hash(shortCode)
// output: 1342859071901
// same as id
It's then easy to create documents using the generated ids (knowing they have already corresponding reversible short-codes).
const fauna = require('faunadb')
const q = fauna.query
const client = new fauna.Client({ secret: 'your-secret' })
// create a user document
client.query(q.Create(q.Ref(q.Collection('users'), nhash.generate()), { data: { name: 'Joe' } }))
// create a note document
client.query(q.Create(q.Ref(q.Collection('notes'), nhash.generate()), { data: { owner: q.Ref(q.Collection('users'), '1342859071901') } }))
// in your page url you can include the converted code
// for your user ID
const userCode = nhash.dehash('1342859071901')
// output: ysX7j1
// and your note ID
const noteCode = nhash.dehash('1304807441806')
// output: uM7Ii6
We could easily imagine then to have your routes in your front set as follows:<userCode>/notes/<noteCode>
You can also play with bulk generation to create several documents or do retries if a creation fails for an existing ID.
const codes = nhash.bulk()
/* output: [
Dehash an ID straight in a Fauna User-Defined Function
You can scaffold the creation of the functions required to dehash an ID wherever you want in your Fauna FQL queries by doing as follow.
const fauna = require('faunadb')
const q = fauna.query
const client = new fauna.Client({ secret: 'your-secret' })
const NanoHash = require('nanohash')
// Check fauna.scaffold() function to learn more about what's being created.
You can then use Call("nanohash.dehash",["1342859071901"])
to retrieve ysX7j1
This is a draft.
I've been wanting to use a short string as unique ID for Fauna but couldn't because of the numeric only restriction. I'm not sure when (or if) it's gonne change on Fauna's end and I find it silly to have a generated ID by Fauna AND and another unique code in addition.
At least this lib will fill this gap for my use cases and maybe yours.