Finds IMDB ID by movie/series name (fuzzily) and optionally year and type
Map names of movies/series to IMDB IDs
npm install name-to-imdb
Usage: nameToImdb(args, callback)
args - string of the name or object with name/year/type - { name: "The Devil Bat", year: 1940, type: "movie" }
args.providers - an array of providers to search in; possible options are metadata
and imdbFind
; default is ["metadata", "imdbFind"]
imdbFind provider
var nameToImdb = require("name-to-imdb");
nameToImdb("south park", function(err, res, inf) {
console.log(res); // "tt0121955"
// inf contains info on where we matched that name - e.g. metadata, or on imdb
// and the meta object with all the available data
// console.log(inf.meta)
id: 'tt0121955',
name: 'South Park',
year: 1997,
type: 'TV series',
yearRange: '1997-',
image: {
src: '',
width: 680,
height: 1000
starring: 'Trey Parker, Matt Stone',
similarity: 1
metadata provider
var nameToImdb = require("name-to-imdb");
nameToImdb({ name: "south park", type: 'series', providers: ['metadata'] }, function (err, res, inf) {
console.log(res); // "tt0121955"
// inf contains info on where we matched that name - e.g. metadata, or on imdb
// and the meta object with all the available data
console.log(inf); // inf: { match, meta }
// console.log(inf.meta)
id: 'tt0121955',
name: 'South Park',
year: 1997,
type: 'series',
yearRange: undefined, // imdbFind only
image: undefined, // imdbFind only
starring: undefined, // imdbFind only
similarity: undefined // imdbFind only
Note: while using "metadata" provider, you must specify the media type and the name must be in english