naive solver for the travelling salesman problem
Travelling Salesman Problem - Naive Solver
This Repo provides a naive solver for the Travelling Salesman Problem.
The naive solution is based on the following three steps:
- Generate all possible permutations of nodes
- Iterate over each permutation and calculate path length
- Return shortest path
The Repo also contains a naive solver for the decision version of the Travelling Salesman Problem. Given a path length L, the solver follows these steps:
- generate all possible tours
- check if the length of the tours is less than L, if yes then return true
Option 1: online
Using runkit. Simply click here and copy/paste this code:
const { NaiveTsp } = require("naive-tsp");
const v = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
const e = {
AB: 10,
AC: 15,
AD: 20,
BA: 10,
BC: 35,
BD: 25,
CA: 15,
CB: 35,
CD: 30,
DA: 20,
DB: 25,
DC: 30
const len = 98;
console.log(new NaiveTsp(v, e, 'A').existsShorter(len));
Option 2: use npm
You will need node JS installed.
- Install the library:
npm install naive-tsp
- Run the below command:
node node_modules/naive-tsp/index.js
>.tsp A
{ path: [ 'A', 'B', 'D', 'C', 'A' ], length: 80 }
Option 3: clone this repo
You will need node JS installed.
You can clone this repo and start by using the sample graph included in the code, like this:
node index.js
>.tsp A
{ path: [ 'A', 'B', 'D', 'C', 'A' ], length: 80 }
The above calculates the shortest path.
If you want use the solver for the decision version of the problem, simply run:
node index.js
> .dectsp 98
{ exists: true, path: [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'A' ], length: 95 }
The included graph looks like this:
If you would like to experiment, you can specify your own graph updating v and g constants in index.js:
const v = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'];
* The below is the representation of this graph:
* 10 15
* +-------------+ A +-------------+
* | + |
* | | |
* | |20 |
* | | |
* | | |
* + 25 + 30 +
* B +-----------+ D +-----------+ C
* + +
* | |
* | |
* +-------------------------------+
* 35
const e = {
AB: 10,
AC: 15,
AD: 20,
BA: 10,
BC: 35,
BD: 25,
CA: 15,
CB: 35,
CD: 30,
DA: 20,
DB: 25,
DC: 30