NACL certification system
NaCL Cert System Specification based on TweetNaCL
NACL Certification System
Certification file format as JSON consists of description and signature parts
- Description object defined as below
// common part or request part
"version": string, // version: '1.0'
"type": string, // type: 'self', 'ca'
"tte": Date as ms, // cert live time to expire from UTC 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, ms
"ca": string // CA domain name, like,
// in case self-sign it MUST be filled in advance
"publickey": byte array, // NACL Box public key to sign with CA,
// or Sign public key to sign by self
"names": string array, // domain name to ask sign, ignore for self-sign cert
"ips": string array, // domain ip address to ask sign, ignore for self-sign cert
"macs": string array, // domain mac address to ask sign, ignore for self-sign cert
// append fields when sign
"gid": uuid string, // cert global id: 16 bytes of uuid string
"signtime": Date as ms, // signed time as ms from UTC 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
- Signature object defined as below
signature: byte array // NACL signature
- Entire cert object defined as below
desc: Description object,
sign: Signature object
Cert request object defined as Common part of Description
self-signed: {
// common part or request part
"version": string, // version: '1.0'
"type": 'self', // type: 'self'
"tte": Date as ms, // cert live time to expire from UTC 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, ms
"ca": string // CA domain name, like
"publickey": byte array, // NACL Sign public key to sign by self
ca-signed: {
// common part or request part
"version": string, // version: '1.0'
"type": 'ca', // type: 'ca'
"tte": Date as ms, // cert live time to expire from UTC 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z, ms
"ca": string // CA domain name, like
"publickey": byte array, // NACL box public key to sign
"names": string array, // domain name to ask sign, ignore for self-sign cert
"ips": string array, // domain ip address to ask sign, ignore for self-sign cert
"macs": string array, // domain mac address to ask sign, ignore for self-sign cert
Reference implementations
(Private property)
Copyright (c) 2014-present Tom Zhou([email protected])