Wrapper for the AWS SDK for n8n, contains every service and operation in a very utilitarian way
This is an n8n community node. It lets you use any AWS service by wrapping the javascript AWS SDK V2 in your n8n workflows.
This AWS SDK Node isn't affiliated or endorsed by AWS. It starts with the latest V2 version of the JS SDK and iterates through the various services already built in and exported. These are assembled into a gigantic list which the Node makes available in the UI. This isn't as beautiful as the dedicated Service Nodes, however it at least makes calling any service possible. It's called V3 because I intended to use the V3 SDK however that doesn't have the ability to iterate on every service, so it's using V2 and the various V3 modules can be imported over time after the V2 sunset date.
n8n is a fair-code licensed workflow automation platform.
Version history
Follow the installation guide in the n8n community nodes documentation.
Use the package at (here)[https://www.npmjs.com/package/n8n-nodes-aws-sdk-v3].
- Every AWS Service
- The latest supported Api Version
- Every Operation for each Service
- The latest supported Api Version
Add your User Access Key and store securely; either a single User for all your actions using this Node, or a single User / credential per Node.
I'm not sure, only tested with n8n v1.45.1
. Due to intricate linting rules, only version 3.0.0 upwards of this package works when pulled as a Community Node (you can use V1 and V2 as local/Custom Node packages).
It always presents these top 15 actions, click on any of them to bring in the Node and select a Service
Select your region, service, version, then operation. The list is ginormous (the json config is 83k lines) so it might be a bit slow on your browser.
The HasInput switch should be off when the Operation doesn't have arguments or it will error (e.g. s3.listBuckets
The Input JSON is untyped so you need to ensure it's correct as per the AWS SDK V2 documentation arguments for the SDK.
The Node passes AWS errors back up as Code or Message, so you can act on those. It'll either throw or catch, up to you. If it's an auth error check your Role Permissions. It'll also conveniently log any errors to console too.
npm test
will validate the config is still correct for changing over V2 => V3 services.
Version history
This is the first version, over time I might switch individual services to the AWS SDK V3 and add Input types for more popular services.