Multi-level cache with any number of levels and gracefully fallback to the computed value
Multi-level cache with any number of levels and gracefully fallback to the computed value.
npm install n-level-cache
Some systems have multiple layers of caching. On the server, these layers might be played by an in-memory data store (a hash map), any number of key-value data stores (Redis and Memcache), and finally a source of truth which is usually a database like Amazon's Dynamo or Postgres.
The goal of n-level-cache
is to abstract away all the plumbing of multi-level caching by
- Reading from each cache one at a time, fastest to slowest, trying to get a cached value
- Computing the source of truth value if no cached value is found and writing it to all cache levels and finally returning the value
- Handling failures at any cache level, allowing other cache levels to work properly
- Rehydrating faster caches with values from slower caches
- Providing a consistent interface for building your caches and handling per-cache errors
const NLevelCache = require('n-level-cache')
// example: Redis (promisified)
class RedisCache {
constructor (redis) {
this.redis = redis
get (key, options) {
return this.redis.get(key)
set (key, value, options) {
if (options.ttl) {
return this.redis.setex(key, options.ttl, value)
return this.redis.set(key, value)
onGetError (error) {/* log this */}
onSetError (error) {/* log this */}
const nLevelCache = new NLevelCache({
caches: [
new RedisCache(redisClientL1),
new RedisCache(redisClientL2)
compute (key) {
// optional last resort: if the cached value
// is not found it will be computed, cached,
// and returned to the caller
return myDatabase.users.findById(key)
return nLevelCache.get(userId).then(value => {
// ...
// example: Local/SessionStorage (in browser only)
class LocalCache {
constructor (storage) {
this.storage = storage
get (key, options) {
return Promise.resolve(JSON.parse(this.storage.getItem(key)))
set (key, value, options) {
this.storage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(value))
return Promise.resolve()
const browserCaches = [
new LocalCache(window.localStorage),
new LocalCache(window.sessionStorage)
const nLevelCache = new NLevelCache({ caches: browserCaches })
nLevelCache.get(myKey).then(value => {
// ^ will print the value if it is found in localStorage or
// sessionStorage, otherwise value is null
class NLevelCache(options)
const nLevelCache = new NLevelCache({
// default options shown
caches: [], // ordered by fastest to slowest
// see "Cache interface" below for details
compute (query, options) {
// computes the value if it is not found in any cache
// query and options are passed directly from set/get
// must return a promise
return Promise.resolve(void 0)
isValue (x) {
// checks a value returned from a cache
// if true, the cache returned a useful value
// why have this? sometimes null may be considered valid
return x !== null && x !== void 0
hydrate: true, // if true, if a value is found in a higher cache
// that value is set on all lower caches
// so the next time those caches have the value
keyForQuery (query) {
// returns a key for a given query
// why have this? compute() take a query that can be complex
// but caches only need a key.
// For example: compute({model: 'user', id: 'chris'})
// But the key would be "users:chris" if configured here
// (Don't implement if your caches have different key schemes)
return query
NLevelCache.get(query Any, options Object) Promise
Resolves with a cached value if found, otherwise the computed value. Rejects only if the computed value rejects. Any options
passed will be passed along to the implemented cache methods.
NLevelCache.set(query Any, options Object) Promise
Resolves with the computed value or rejects with the computed rejection. Writes the computed value to all caches as well. Any options
passed will be passed along to the implemented cache methods.
Cache interface
Caches passed to n-level-cache
must fit the following interface. A cache does not have to be a class instance, it can be any object with these methods.
class Cache {
// required methods (must return a Promise):
get (key, options) { return Promise.resolve(value) }
set (key, value, options) { return Promise.resolve() }
// optional error handlers
onGetError (error) {}
onSetError (error) {}
Contributions are incredibly welcome as long as they are standardly applicable and pass the tests (or break bad ones). Tests are done with AVA.
# running tests
npm run test
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