Mock decorator for light debugging and tests
Библиотека c декоратороми для моков и генераторов Подходит для дебагинга и тестирования
npm i --save mz-mock
Examples use main decorator for work with
import {MzMock, MzMockObservable, MzMockPromise, MzMockResultTypeEnum, MzMockSimple} from "./@res/mz-mock";
import {of} from "rxjs";
class Class {
@MzMockSimple (
result: 'from simple mock',
active: true
private simple (a: any, b: any) {
return `from result - a = ${a} | b = ${b}`;
/* get value from mock and convert to observable */
@MzMockObservable (
result: environment,
path: '',
active: true
private mockSampleObservable (a: any, b: any) {
return of(`from result - a = ${a} | b = ${b}`);
@MzMockPromise (
result: 'from promise mock',
active: false
private mockSamplePromise1 (a: any, b: any) {
return new Promise(
(resolve) => {
resolve(`from promise - a = ${a} | b = ${b}`);
/* return value from function after get it by path from result */
@MzMockFunction (
result: envirement,
path: "mock.logic-add-user",
active: false
private mockSamplePromise1 (a: any, b: any) {
return new Promise(
(resolve) => {
resolve(`from promise - a = ${a} | b = ${b}`);
@MzMock (
result: 'from promise MzMock',
active: true,
type: MzMockResultTypeEnum.promise
private mockSamplePromise (a: any, b: any) {
return new Promise(
(resolve) => {
resolve(`from MzMock promise - a = ${a} | b = ${b}`);
@MzMock (
result: (a, b) => `from function MzMock- a = ${a} | b = ${b}`,
active: false,
type: MzMockResultTypeEnum.function
private mockSampleSimple2 (a: any, b: any) {
return `from function - a = ${a} | b = ${b}`;
* return mock
* */
type: MzMockResultTypeEnum.simple,
path: 'mock.test.a',
result: {mock: {test: { a: 1}}},
default: 0,
active: true
private testFunction ()
return 'from real 1';
Test mock with "import" for promise and observable
import {MzMockObservable, MzMockPromise} from "./@res/mz-mock";
import {Observable, of} from "rxjs";
class TestImportForObservableAndPromise {
path: 'mock',
storage: () => import('./test4'),
default: null,
active: false,
// @ts-ignore
testMockObservable (): Observable<any> {
return of({fromMethod: 'testMockObservable'})
path: 'mock',
storage: () => import('./test4'),
default: null,
active: false,
// @ts-ignore
async testMockPromise (): Promise<any> {
return {fromMethod: 'testMockPromise'};
testObservable () {
(result) => {
'testObservable - result ',
async testPromise () {
const result = await this.testMockPromise();
'testPromise - result',
new TestImportForObservableAndPromise().testObservable();
new TestImportForObservableAndPromise().testPromise();
Add post calback for work with singleton
const testData = {
valA: 1,
valB: 2,
const environment = {
dev: {
mock: {
getTestData: testData
// test.service.ts (file)
class TestService {
/* get value from mock and convert to observable */
@MzMockObservable (
result: environment,
path: 'dev.mock.getTestData',
post: (a, b) => {
active: true
private mockSampleObservable (a: any, b: any) {
return of(`from result - a = ${a} | b = ${b}`);
Пример №2 использования генераторов для моков
import {MzMockGenerator} from "mz-mock";
export const names = [
'Джони деп',
'Капитан америка',
const surnames = [
const mzMockGenerator = new MzMockGenerator(
default: names,
surnames: surnames,
// кастомные генераторы
const testObject = {
id: 1,
appsTitle: 'Apps',
appItems: mzMockGenerator.get<any>(
/* get random number with default params from 1 to 1000 */
randomNumber: '__random.number__',
/* get random number with specific min and max params */
randomNumberWithMinAndMax: '__random.number(9999, 99999)__',
/* get index */
index: '__idx__',
/* get index with increment 1 */
number: '__idx(1)__',
appImg: '__icon__',
/* get random element from default box */
appName: '__box__',
/* get uuid */
uuid: '__uuid__',
/* get lorem words (default 1) */
lorem: '__lorem(2)__',
/* get lorem sentences (default 1) */
loremSentences: '__lorem.sentences(5)__',
/* get lorem paragraphs (default 1) */
loremParagraphs: '__lorem.paragraphs(2)__',
/* get random element from surnames box */
surname: '__box(surnames)__',
/* get random boolean */
randomBoolean: '__random.bool__',
testKey: 'abdullakh',
selected: false,
Результат примера №2
randomNumber: 225,
randomNumberWithMinAndMax: 66116,
index: 0,
number: 1,
appImg: '',
appName: 'Екатенира',
surname: 'Magomadov',
testKey: 'abdullakh',
selected: false
randomNumber: 313,
randomNumberWithMinAndMax: 57895,
index: 1,
number: 2,
appImg: '',
appName: 'Муслим',
surname: 'Magomadov',
testKey: 'abdullakh',
selected: false
Интерфесы для создание кастомного генератора
export interface MzMockGeneratorCustomInterface {
key: string;
get (input: MzMockGeneratorGeneratorInputInterface): any
export interface MzMockGeneratorGeneratorInputInterface {
boxes: MzMockGeneratorBoxesInterface,
idx: number;
obj: any;
key: string;
keyName: any;
defaultBoxName: string;
params: string[];
context: any;
keyIdx: number;
Пример генератора для работы вывода индекса
export class MzMockGeneratorIdxService implements MzMockGeneratorCustomInterface {
key = 'idx';
get(input: MzMockGeneratorGeneratorInputInterface): any {
const increment = parseInt(input.params[0] || '0', 10);
return input.idx + increment;