Mythtv Service Api Bindings
Typescript Client library for mythtv services API
- Backend APIs
- Capture Service
- AddCaptureCard
- AddCardInput
- GetCaptureCard
- GetCaptureCardList
- RemoveCaptureCard
- RemoveCardInput
- UpdateCaptureCard
- UpdateCardInput
- Channel Service
- AddDBChannel
- AddVideoSource
- FetchChannelsFromSource
- GetChannelInfo
- GetChannelInfoList
- GetDDLineupList
- GetVideoMultiplex
- GetVideoMultiplexList
- GetVideoSource
- GetVideoSourceList
- GetXMLTVIdList*
- RemoveDBChannel
- RemoveVideoSource
- UpdateDBChannel
- UpdateVideoSource
- Content Service
- AddLiveStream
- AddRecordingLiveStream
- AddVideoLiveStream
- DownloadFile
- GetAlbumArt
- GetDirList
- GetFile
- GetFileList
- GetHash
- GetImageFile
- GetLiveStream
- GetLiveStreamList
- GetMusic
- GetPreviewImage
- GetProgramArtworkList
- GetRecording
- GetRecordingArtwork
- GetRecordingArtworkList
- GetVideo
- GetVideoArtwork
- RemoveLiveStream
- StopLiveStream
- DVR Service
- AddDontRecordSchedule
- AddRecordSchedule
- DeleteRecording
- DisableRecordSchedule
- DupInToDescription
- DupInToString
- DupMethodToDescription
- DupMethodToString
- EnableRecordSchedule
- GetConflictList
- GetEncoderList
- GetExpiringList
- GetInputList
- GetOldRecordedList
- GetPlayGroupList
- GetRecGroupList
- GetRecRuleFilterList
- GetRecStorageGroupList
- GetRecordSchedule
- GetRecordScheduleList
- GetRecorded
- GetRecordedCommBreak
- GetRecordedCutList
- GetRecordedList
- GetRecordedSeek
- GetSavedBookmark
- GetTitleInfoList
- GetTitleList
- GetUpcomingList
- ReactivateRecording
- RecStatusToDescription
- RecStatusToString
- RecTypeToDescription
- RecTypeToString
- RecordedIdForPathname
- RemoveRecordSchedule
- RemoveRecorded
- RescheduleRecordings
- SetSavedBookmark
- StopRecording
- UnDeleteRecording
- UpdateRecordSchedule
- UpdateRecordedWatchedStatus
- Guide Service
- AddToChannelGroup
- GetCategoryList
- GetChannelGroupList
- GetChannelIcon
- GetProgramDetails
- GetProgramGuide
- GetProgramList
- GetStoredSearches
- RemoveFromChannelGroup
- Myth Service
- AddStorageGroupDir
- BackupDatabase
- ChangePassword
- CheckDatabase
- GetBackendInfo
- GetConnectionInfo
- GetFormatDate
- GetFormatDateTime
- GetFormatTime
- GetFrontends
- GetHostName
- GetHosts
- GetKeys
- GetLogs
- GetSetting
- GetSettingList
- GetStorageGroupDirs
- GetTimeZone
- ParseISODateString
- ProfileDelete
- ProfileSubmit
- ProfileText
- ProfileURL
- ProfileUpdated
- PutSetting
- RemoveStorageGroupDir
- SendMessage
- SendNotification
- TestDBSettings
- Video Service
- AddVideo
- GetBluray
- GetVideo
- GetVideoByFileName
- GetVideoList
- LookupVideo
- RemoveVideoFromDB
- UpdateVideoMetadata
- UpdateVideoWatchedStatus
- Capture Service
- Frontend APIs
- GetActionList
- GetStatus
- SendMessage
- SendAction
- SendKey
- PlayRecording
- PlayVideo
- GetContextList
- SendNotification
To enable Access-Control-Allow-Origin MythTV HTTP API insert AllowedOriginsList in the settings table.
INSERT INTO `settings` (`value`, `data`, `hostname`) VALUES ('AllowedOriginsList', 'http://host1,http://host2', 'backend_hostname')