A.K.A "MySQL Mini" is A wrapper of the minimalist Nodejs module mysql that will give you improved query methods (promised and stream-like and transactions)
A.K.A "MySQL Mini" is A minimalist Nodejs module that will give you improved mysql/mariadb query methods (promised and stream-like and easy to use transactions)
(It's basically a wrapper of mysql module)
Install in your project using npm
npm install mysqlm --save
Require in your file as
const mysqlm = require('mysqlm');
(All examples will use async await syntax)
connect(config: Object) :Object
Let's you connect to your database
const conn = mysql.connect({
host: 'localhost',
user: 'admin',
password: '12345',
database: 'mydatabase'
query(query: String, input: Array<String>) :Promise<result>
Let's you query your database, returns a promise with result
let result = await conn.query('SELECT * FROM pets');
for (const row of result) {
queryOne(query: String, input: Array<String>) :Promise<result>
Let's you query your database, returns a promise with first element of result
let row = await conn.queryOne('SELECT * FROM pets WHERE id = ?', 4);
console.log(row) // Row will be the pet with ID 4
queryStream(query: String, input: Array<String>) :Object
Let's you query your database, returns a object with the a promise method wich will return the result row by row.
Usage Case: You need to get or insert more than 100k rows on one or more tables
let stream = conn.queryStream('SELECT * FROM people'); // No need for await here since queryStream doesn't return a promise
// read method does in fact returns a promise so await must be used
await (row) => {
// OR
await conn
.queryStream('SELECT * FROM people')
.read( (row) => {
}); // Notice how there are no ; before this, because its a chain of functions
Try (aka Transactions)
try(callback: Function(Connection)) :Promise
A transaction executes all queries if there are no errors. A single error means the rollback of all queries. to be concise, all or nothing
You can also think of it as a Try/Catch block, as this tries to execute every query
Note: If you want to do a soon rollback, just throw an error (see example 3)
// 1. This will throw an error
// Before Transaction, Table player have 0 rows
await conn.transaction(async (t) => {
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max2', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max3', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max4', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO ThIsTaBleNaMeShoUldntExistz SET ?', [{name: 'Max5', points: 400}]);
// After Transaction, Table player still have 0 rows
// Because transaction failed
// 2. This will return true
// Before Transaction, Table player have 0 rows
await conn.transaction(async (t) => {
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max2', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max3', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max4', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max5', points: 400}]);
// After Transaction, Table player will have 5 rows
// Because transaction succeded
// 3. This will do a sooner rollback
// Before Transaction, Table player have 0 rows
await conn.transaction(async (t) => {
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max', points: 400}]);
if( 2 + 2 != 5 ){
throw 'Rollback'; // Sooner Rollback
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max2', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max3', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max4', points: 400}]);
await t.query('INSERT INTO player SET ?', [{name: 'Max5', points: 400}]);
// After Transaction, Table player still have 0 rows
// Because transaction failed
getMysql - deprecated
getMysql() :mysql
Deprecated (Now this module extends all mysql properties and methods to itself)
Let's you get the mysql module, (same as require('mysql'))
Usage Case: When you need to do something this module doesnt have implemented yet
const mysqlm = require('mysqlm');
const mysql = mysqlm.getMysql();
mysql.Types; // All mysql types
// Is the same as
const mysqlm = require('mysqlm');
mysqlm.Types; // All mysql Types