Does what it says on the tin. Takes data in your MySql database and uploads it to a Google Sheet.
Does what it says on the tin. Takes data in your MySql database and uploads it to a Google Sheet.
Multiple MySql servers? No problem. Multiple sheets? No problem.
npx mysql2sheet --path=./your_config.js
npm install mysql2sheet
mysql2sheet --path=./your_config.js
In the example above, the path parameter refers to a path to a file containing the tasks to execute.
Task Definition
Your task definition file defines one or more tasks to execute. Each task has the following fields:
- name - the name of the task
- connection - the name of the mysql connection to use
- schema - the schema to execute your query against
- sql - the sql query to execute and retrieve results
- mapData - function to map sql results to what needs to be uploaded to your sheet, note that the last result in your sql query is mapped here - go wild :)
- type - result type, either scalar (single value) or table
- googleCredential - the name of the Google Credential to use
- googleSheetId - the sheet identifier to use (you can get this from the Sheet URL)
- googleSheetRange - where to map the MySql query results to, example
- clearRange - boolean (defaults to false) - if true, clears the
before uplaoding data
Example Task Definition
const tasks = [
name: "Total Hours",
connection: "prodtime",
schema: "projects",
sql: `select sum(time) as hours from timeentries`,
mapData: (x) => [x.hours],
type: 'scalar',
googleCredential: "gcred",
googleSheetId: "grab-sheet-id-from-sheet-url",
googleSheetRange: "Stats!B2:B2",
name: "Project Times",
connection: "prodtime",
schema: "projects",
sql: `select name, sum(time) as hours from timeentries group by name`,
mapData: (x) => [, x.hours],
type: 'table',
clearRange: true,
googleCredential: "gcred",
googleSheetId: "grab-sheet-id-from-sheet-url",
googleSheetRange: "Stats!E2:F",
module.exports = {
tasks: tasks,
settings: {
mysql: {
prodtime: {
host: "localhost",
user: "root",
password: "root",
port: "3306"
google: {
gcred: {
"type": "service_account",
// ...
MySql Connections and Google Credential Settings
Note how in the above example, connection
and googleCredential
refer to keys defined in the settings
To set up your Google Credentials, see
Note: Make sure you share the sheet (with Editor rights) with the email address noted in the client_email
param of the service account JSON.