parses optional get parameters of a nodejs request url and generates a mysql query
- parses optional get parameters of a nodejs get request url and generates a mysql query
- usage e.g. in REST API with extensive optional parameters for filtering
new QueryGenerator(defaultLimit);
For security reasons the construtor allows for providing a default limit value. So if don't ever want to return more than x values, just put it in the constructor. If not, just leave it empty.
function generateQueryAddition(url)
- takes req.url object and generates a mysql addition query that can be added to a base query
req.url query format
column: column to be filtered modifier: type of filtering action value: value to be filtered for
###currently supported query modifiers: modifier => mysql code => example
- is => "=" => where column = value
- isNot => "!=" => where column != value
###strings only
- contains => "like" => where column like '%value%'
- containsNot => "not like" => where column not like '%value%'
- startsWith => "like value%" => where columne like 'value%'
- endsWith => "like %value" => where columne like '%value'
###numbers only:
- less => "<" => where column < value
- lessOrEqual => "<=" => where column <= value
- greater => ">" => where column > value
- greaterOrEqual => ">=" => where column >= value
illegal (those that are not supported) modifiers will be ignored
###exception ?limit=value limits the returned results to a certain number of entries and doesn't require any modifier
query example:
would return "where email like '%@gmail%' and id > 10 and id <= 100 limit 8;"
note: is an illegal modifier and therefore ignored
usage example:
app.get('/someUrl', function(req, res){
var QueryGenerator = require('mysql-query-generator');
var handler = new QueryGenerator(100);
var queryAddition = handler.generateQueryAddition(req.url);
var completeQuery = 'select id, username, email from users ' + queryAddition;
// assuming a req.url querystring like so: ?
// the complete query would be
var completeQuery = 'select id, username, email from users where name = \'john\' and email like \'%john.doe%\' and id >= 10 limit 5;
Security as of v0.3.0
To prevent sql injections certain characters and keywords are not allowed like:
- quotes
- whitespaces
Limit number of returned entries
You can provide a default limit in the constructor to make sure no more than that number of entries is returned.
Check it out at NPM!. npm install mysql-query-generator
Originally intended as an addition to query-sql.
Easily generate simple queries using query-sql. Then automatically parse url get string and add the result as where clause for more extensive filtering.