LazyREST creates automagically the ALL the REST routes for a specified MySQL database
mysql-lazyRest 🛌
LazyREST lets you automagically create REST routes for all the tables and views of a specified schema of your MySQL db, by only configuring the database connection string.
Disclaimer: I recommend this library only for development environments.
This is a Node.js module available through the npm registry.
npm install mysql-lazyrest --save
Quick Start
After installing mysql-lazyrest you can follow the next example an have a REST service running in 1-2-3.
The MySQL connection string adepts to the connection string used by mysql.createConnection(config);
You can read more about this in the Mysql npm repository.
1-2-3 Standalone Example
// 1 - require the library
const lr = require('mysql-lazyrest');
// 2 - create a new lazyrest object and configure the database connection string
let rest = new lr.lazyRest({
host: "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
user: "username",
password: "PA$$",
insecureAuth: true //optional
// 3 - Run it ! It runs by default on port 8080;
You can see below some other examples of how to implement mysql-lazyrest.
Ex 1 - Standalone
// we call the library
const lr = require('mysql-lazyrest');
// we create a new lazyRest and we send the conneciton string data
let rest = new lr.lazyRest({
host: "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
user: "username",
password: "PA$$",
insecureAuth: true //optional
// we run the standalone example;
Ex 2 - Standalone w/ configurations
// we call the library
const lr = require('mysql-lazyrest');
// we create a new lazyRest and we send the conneciton string data
let rest = new lr.lazyRest({
host: "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
user: "username",
password: "PA$$",
insecureAuth: true //optional
// hide tables to be populated
rest.hide(["A_OLD_lkp_city", "A_OLD_lkp_states"]);
// set models for specific tables, this sets the alias, the access of a table
rest.models([{ table_name: "t_city", alias: "city", access: [lr.READ] }]);
// we run the stand alone example with some configurations{ port: "", app: "", prefix: "/api/v1", lifetime: 0 });
Ex 3 - With existing Express project + configurations
// Ex3 - Integrated with an existing project
const express = require("express");
const app = express();
const port = 8080;
// we call the library
const lr = require('mysql-lazyrest');
// we create a new lazyRest and we send the conneciton string data
let rest = new lr.lazyRest({
host: "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
user: "username",
password: "PA$$",
insecureAuth: true //optional
app.get("/", (req, res) => res.send("Hello World!"));
app.listen(port, () => console.log(`Example app listening on port ${port}!`));
// we run the example with some configurations
let config = { port: port, app: app, prefix: "/api/v1", lifetime: 24 };;
There are some existing enhancements that can be applied to the general behavior or per table/view
Database connection string *required
When instantiating lazyRest we need to send a connectionString as a parameter to create a MySQL connection.
let connectionString = {
host: "XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX",
user: "username",
password: "PA$$",
let rest = new lr.lazyRest(connectionString);
Hide *optional
If we want to hide tables form the public we are able to do so by including an array of the tables names in the method hide
Models *optional
We can use this method to change some behavior for all the tables we need to.
{ table_name: "tbl_contracts", alias: "contracts", access: [lr.READ,lr.CREATE] },
{ table_name: "tbl_users", alias: "users", access: [lr.CREATE] },
{ table_name: "tbl_very_long_name_of_table_from_2018", alias: "long_name"},
Options availabe:
// name of the table in the db
table_name: "table_name",
// set the name route for this table
alias: "table",
// set the access level for this route, available: READ,CREATE,UPDATE,DELETE,ALL or empty for ALL
access: [
Run *required
We need this method to start all the automated routing. This configurations are global and will affect the operation of all the routes.
Ex.{ port: "", app: "", prefix: "/api/v1", lifetime: 0 , access: '*'});
Options available:
// set a port for express routing, by default 8080
port: "",
// override the express app if you already have one in your project
app: "",
// prefix for the routes ex. localhost:8080/api/v1/...
prefix: "",
// set the max-age of Cache-Control, the expected param is in hours and set by default to 24. If set to 0 then it will set no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate.
lifetime: 0,
// set the Access-Control-Allow-Origin for CORS support , ex. * or a specific domain
access: ""
List of routes that will be created automagically per table:
| Method | Url | HTTP Status | Result |
| GET | tables/ | 200 | Returns a table object with information of the available tables. |
| GET | routes/ | 200 | Returns a JSON with all the routes created |
| GET | verbose/<true_false>
| 200 | If set to true it will display the detail of the error. |
| GET | <table_name>
/describe | 200 | Returns the db description of the requested table per column |
| GET | <table_name>
/ | 200 | Returns all the data of the requested table |
| GET | <table_name>
| 200 | Returns all the data of the requested table ordered by a requested column and in asc or desc order |
| GET | <table_name>
| 200 | Returns the first number of rows of the request table |
| GET | <table_name>
| 200 | Returns the first number of rows of a requested table ordered by a requested column and in asc or desc order |
| GET | <table_name>
| 200 | Returns a specific row from the requested table based on the primary key and its value. (Faster that search) |
| GET | <table_name>
| 200 | Returns the rows from the requested table based on the searched column key and value. NOTE: In this route you are also able to apply the order or limit filters or even both at the same time |
| GET | <table_name>
/status | 200 | Returns the timestamp if table is alive or returns last time the table was updated, this last ONLY works in MyISAM tables |
| PATCH | <table_name>
| 201 | Updates data in the requested table based on the primary key and its value|
| POST | <table_name>
/ | 201 | Inserts data to the requested table |
| DELETE | <table_name>
| 200 | Deletes a specific row from the requested table based on the primary key and its value |
Error codes
List of possible error codes.
| HTTP Code | Meaning | |-----------|---------| | 400 | Bad request - There was an error at the time of building the query string. | | 404 | Not found - The requested route does not exist. | | 502 | Bad Gateway - Could not resolve the query or the route due to bad input. |