Hello! Welcome to MyLib! Note: This is a work in progress, so new features are yet to come!
While there are a few side functions, MyDOMLib is mainly made for DOM manipulation.
ErrorCatch(code, htmlElement, type, replace)
: The code you want to analyze. It can either be a function, string (" "), or a multi-line string (``).htmlElement
: The HTML element(s) that will display the error. To use "_" to select the element, just do _("your element").elementSelected.type
: The type you want to edit the HTML element. It can be either text or html.replace
: If you want to replace the HTML element's current text content or inner HTML, set it to true. If you don't, set it to false.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Assuming you have the library file -->
<script src="myLib.js"></script>
<p id="errorDisplay"></p>
// With a string:
new ErrorCatch("function() {}", _("#errorDisplay").elementSelected, "text", true);
// This will have the error "SyntaxError: Function statements must have a name."
// With a function name:
new ErrorCatch(exampleFunction, _("#errorDisplay").elementSelected, "text", true);
function exampleFunction() {
// This will have the error "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: wefi"
// With a multi-line string:
new ErrorCatch(`
function hi() {
var qwerty =
`, _("#errorDisplay").elementSelected, "text", true);
// This will have the error "SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier 'qwerty'"
// Note: You will need to have ES6 enabled to have multi-line comments.
The HTML element you want to select. It can start with .
when you want to select a class, #
for when you want to select an ID, and use start with nothing if you are selecting elements.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!--Assuming you have the library file-->
<script src="myLib.js"></script>
.hello {
<div id="myDiv">
This is a div with the ID of "myDiv"
<p class="hello">This is a p element with the class of "hello"</p>
<p class="hello">This is a p element with the class of "hello"</p>
<p class="hello">This is a p element with the class of "hello"</p>
<p class="hello">This is a p element with the class of "hello"</p>
<p class="hello">This is a p element with the class of "hello"</p>
<img id="picture" src="" alt="Cat August 2010-4.jpg" width="300">
<img id="picture2" src="" width="300">
<div id="appendDiv"></div>
//Here it returns the element with the id of "myDiv":
//Here it edit's the text element:
_("#myDiv").edit("text", "This is an edited div with the ID of \"myDiv\"");
//Here it changes the src of 2 elements in one line:
_("#picture").edit("src", "")._("#picture2").edit("src", "");
//This shows that you can chain.
//Here it changes the alt of 2 elements in 2 lines:
_("#picture").edit("alt", "Black Labrador Retriever");
_("#picture2").edit("alt", "Cat August 2010-4.jpg");
//Here it collects all the elements with the class of "hello" and edit's their color and gives them a border:
_(".hello").setStyle("color", "green").setStyle("border", "10px ridge black");
//Here it makes a totally new element and appends it to an element with the id of "appendDiv" with a border:
var newElement = createElem("p").setID("divP").setClass("divP").setClass("divP2").result;
_("#divP").edit("text", "Hello! This is a \"p\" element inside a ");
_(".divP").edit("text", "div!", true);
_(".divP2").setStyle("margin-left", "10px");
_("#appendDiv").append(newElement).setStyle("border", "10px ridge red");
Returned Variables:
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').el" it will return the element(s) that has/have been selected.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').alt", you will get the alt(s) of the element(s) selected.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').src", you will get the src(s) of the elements(s) selected.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').html", you will get the innerHTML(s) of the element(s) selected.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').width", you will get the width(s) of the element(s) selected.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').height", you will get the height(s) of the element(s) selected.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').text", you will get the textContent(s) of the element(s) selected.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').edit", you will have the edit function returned to you.
edit(whatToEdit, whatToEditTo, add)
Basically, what do you want to edit about the element(s). Can either be "text", "html", "src", or "alt".
What you want it to become. Can be a string, function, or a multi-line string.
True if you want to add on to the current value, false if you don't.
Back to the returned variables of _.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').addClass", you will have a function that adds a class to the element(s) selected. The only parameter is the class to set to.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').removeClass", you will have a function that removes a class from the element(s) selected. No parameters needed.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').setID", you will have a function that sets the ID of the element(s) selected.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').removeID", you will have a function that removes the ID of the element(s) selected.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').append", you will have a function that appends an element to the element(s) selected.
By using "_('whateverYouWantToSelect').setStyle", you will have a function that adds CSS style to the selected element(s).
By using this function, you are basically repeating the entire _ function.