MydepositsDeveloperApi - JavaScript client for mydeposits_developer_api API services to automate Deposit Protection within your existing Property Management Software workflows and applications for both England & Wales, and also Scotland This SDK is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.2.2
- Package version: 1.2.2
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.JavascriptClientCodegen
For Node.js
To publish the library as a npm, please follow the procedure in "Publishing npm packages".
Then install it via:
npm install mydeposits_developer_api --save
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
Local development
To use the library locally without publishing to a remote npm registry, first install the dependencies by changing into the directory containing package.json
(and this README). Let's call this JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
. Then run:
npm install
Next, link it globally in npm with the following, also from JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR
npm link
To use the link you just defined in your project, switch to the directory you want to use your mydeposits_developer_api from, and run:
npm link /path/to/<JAVASCRIPT_CLIENT_DIR>
Finally, you need to build the module:
npm run build
If the library is hosted at a git repository, e.g. then install it via:
npm install GIT_USER_ID/GIT_REPO_ID --save
For browser
The library also works in the browser environment via npm and browserify. After following
the above steps with Node.js and installing browserify with npm install -g browserify
perform the following (assuming main.js is your entry file):
browserify main.js > bundle.js
Then include bundle.js in the HTML pages.
Webpack Configuration
Using Webpack you may encounter the following error: "Module not found: Error: Cannot resolve module", most certainly you should disable AMD loader. Add/merge the following section to your webpack config:
module: {
rules: [
parser: {
amd: false
Getting Started
Please follow the installation instruction and execute the following JS code:
var MydepositsDeveloperApi = require('mydeposits_developer_api');
var api = new MydepositsDeveloperApi.AuthenticationServicesApi()
var scheme = "scheme_example"; // {String} ID of the selected deposit protection Scheme as returned by protectionschemes method.
var region = "region_example"; // {String} ID of the selected deposit protection Region as returned by protectionregions method.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.authorisationCreate(scheme, region, callback);
Documentation for API Endpoints
All URIs are relative to
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- MydepositsDeveloperApi.AuthenticationServicesApi | authorisationCreate | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/authorize | Request authorisation for a given member MydepositsDeveloperApi.AuthenticationServicesApi | tokenCreate | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/token | Request a token for a given member MydepositsDeveloperApi.BatchServicesApi | batchAddTenancy | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/batch/{id}/tenancy | Add a tenancy deposit protection to an existing batch MydepositsDeveloperApi.BatchServicesApi | batchCheckout | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/batch/{id}/checkout | Checkout a batch containing tenancy deposit protections MydepositsDeveloperApi.BatchServicesApi | batchGet | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/batch/{id} | Retrieve batch entity details for a batch under a specified mydeposits member account MydepositsDeveloperApi.BatchServicesApi | batchGetList | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/batches | Retrieve a list of all batches underneath an account MydepositsDeveloperApi.BatchServicesApi | batchPost | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/batch | Create new batch entity within a specified mydeposits Custodial account MydepositsDeveloperApi.GlobalServicesApi | protectionRegionsGet | GET /v1/protectionregions | List of regions served by mydeposits MydepositsDeveloperApi.GlobalServicesApi | protectionSchemesGet | GET /v1/{region}/protectionschemes | List of available Deposit Protection Schemes within this region MydepositsDeveloperApi.GlobalServicesApi | schemeRulesGet | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/schemerules | Returns a link to the Scheme Rules for this scheme and region MydepositsDeveloperApi.LandlordServicesApi | landlordGet | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/landlord/{id} | Retrieve landlord entity details for a landlord under a specified mydeposits member account MydepositsDeveloperApi.LandlordServicesApi | landlordPost | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/landlord | Create new landlord entity within a specified mydeposits member account MydepositsDeveloperApi.LandlordServicesApi | landlordPut | PUT /v1/{scheme}/{region}/landlord/{id} | Update a landlord entity within a specified mydeposits member account MydepositsDeveloperApi.MemberAccountServicesApi | addMember | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/member | Create a new member account record MydepositsDeveloperApi.MemberAccountServicesApi | memberBranchCreate | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/member/branch | Create a new branch under a corporate landlord or agent member's account record MydepositsDeveloperApi.MemberAccountServicesApi | memberBranchGet | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/member/branch/{id} | Request details for a given branch under the member's account MydepositsDeveloperApi.MemberAccountServicesApi | memberBranchList | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/member/branches | Request all branches for a given corporate landlord or agent member MydepositsDeveloperApi.MemberAccountServicesApi | memberBranchPut | PUT /v1/{scheme}/{region}/member/branch/{id} | Update an existing branch MydepositsDeveloperApi.MemberAccountServicesApi | memberPaymentDetailsCreate | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/member/account/payment/detail | Custodial only - Add repayment details under a member account record MydepositsDeveloperApi.MemberAccountServicesApi | memberPaymentDetailsDefault | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/member/account/payment/{id}/default | Custodial only - Set the default repayment details for the member's account MydepositsDeveloperApi.MemberAccountServicesApi | memberPaymentDetailsGet | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/member/account/payment/details | Custodial only - Request all stored UK repayment details for a given member MydepositsDeveloperApi.MemberAccountServicesApi | subscribeMember | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/member/subscribe | Subscribe a member to the specified scheme MydepositsDeveloperApi.PropertyServicesApi | propertyGet | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/property/{id} | Return all information for this property MydepositsDeveloperApi.PropertyServicesApi | propertyPost | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/property | Create a new property record within a specified mydeposits member account MydepositsDeveloperApi.PropertyServicesApi | propertyPut | PUT /v1/{scheme}/{region}/property/{id} | Update an existing property MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyServicesApi | tenancyCertificate | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/tenancy/{id}/depositprotection | Retrieve deposit protection PDF MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyServicesApi | tenancyCheckout | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/tenancy/{id}/checkout | Checkout a tenancy deposit protection MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyServicesApi | tenancyGet | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/tenancy/{id} | Retrieve details of a tenancy MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyServicesApi | tenancyGetList | GET /v1/{scheme}/{region}/tenancies | Retrieve a list of all tenancies underneath an account MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyServicesApi | tenancyPost | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/tenancy | Create new tenancy record within a specified mydeposits member account MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyServicesApi | tenancyUnprotect | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/tenancy/{id}/unprotect | Submit a request to initiate a deposit release MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyServicesApi | tenancyUnprotectAccept | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/tenancy/{id}/unprotect/accept | Custodial only - Accept a tenant's deposit release request MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyServicesApi | tenancyUnprotectCounter | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/tenancy/{id}/unprotect/counter | Custodial only - Submit a counter offer to a tenant's release request MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyServicesApi | tenancyUnprotectOTP | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/tenancy/{id}/otp | Request a One Time Password to initiate or respond to a release MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyServicesApi | tenancyUnprotectSPT | POST /v1/{scheme}/{region}/tenancy/{id}/convertspt | Insurance only - Convert a live protection to a statutory periodic tenancy
Documentation for Models
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsBatch
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsBatchAddTenancy
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsBranch
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsCheckout
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsDeductions
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsInterestedParty
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsJointTenant
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsLandlord
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsLandlordMember
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsPaymentDetail
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsProperty
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsSubscribe
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsTenancy
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsTenant
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsToken
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsUnprotect
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsUnprotectAccept
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIModelsUnprotectionDeductions
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesBatch
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesBatchAddTenancy
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesBatchCheckout
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesBatchDetails
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesBatchList
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesBatchTenancy
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesBranch
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesBranchDetails
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesBranchList
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesCheckout
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesConvertSPT
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesDefaultPayment
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesErrorList
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesErrors
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesInterestedPartyDetails
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesJointTenant
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesLandlord
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesLandlordDetails
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesLandlordMember
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesLeadTenant
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesOTP
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesPaymentDetail
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesPaymentDetails
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesPaymentDetailsList
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesProperty
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesPropertyDetails
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesProtection
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesProtectionList
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesSchemeRules
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesTenancy
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesTenancyDetails
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesToken
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.APIResponsesUnprotect
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.Country
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.DeductionReasons
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.InlineResponse200
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.LocalAuthorityRegion
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.PropertyType
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyStatus
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.TenancyType
- MydepositsDeveloperApi.Title
Documentation for Authorization
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: accessCode
- Authorization URL:{scheme}/eng/authorize
- Scopes:
- write:mydeposits: modify mydeposits entities in your account
- read:mydeposits: read your mydeposits entities
- Type: OAuth
- Flow: password
- Authorization URL:
- Scopes: N/A