fluent API for TypeScript
fluent syntax for writing TypeScript Apps
npm install my-ts --save
const object: any = ...
if (my(object).isNullOrUndefinedOrEmpty) {
//code omitted for brevity
const validator = (element: any): IValidationResult => { ... }
const {isValid, validationErrors} = my(object).validateWith(validator);
if (isValid ) {
//code omitted for brevity
const notNull = (element: any): boolean => { ... }
if (my(object).is(notNull)) {
//code omitted for brevity
const elements: any[] = ...
const elementWithSpecificPattern = (element: any): boolean => { ... }
if (my(elements).hasAtLeastOne(elementWithSpecificPattern)) {
//code omitted for brevity
const object: any = ...
const process = (element: any): any => { ... }
const {hasFailed, hasSucceeded, result, error} = my(object).tryTo(process);
if (hasSucceeded) {
//code omitted for brevity
const elements: any[] = ...
const closed = (element: any): boolean => { ... }
if (my(elements).areAll(closed)) {
//code omitted for brevity
const textFileContent: string = ...
const lines = my(textFileContent).splitToLines();
* Check if input object is null
isNull: boolean;
* Check if input object is undefined
isUndefined: boolean;
* Check if input object is null or undefined
isNullOrUndefined: boolean;
* Check if input object is empty
isEmpty: boolean;
* Check if input object has owned properties
hasOwnProperties: boolean;
* Check if input object is null or undefined or empty
isNullOrUndefinedOrEmpty: boolean;
* Check if input array contains a value
contains<T>(value: T): boolean;
* Get in input array the first element that matches the predicate
* @param {function} - Predicate used to find the element
* @returns {T | undefined}
firstOrDefault<T>(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): T | undefined;
* Select, in a new array, all items of the input array that satisfies the predicate.
* @param {function} predicate - Predicate used to select the elements in input array
* @returns {T[]} - returns the selected items or an empty array if no item is selected
where<T>(predicate: (element: T, index: number) => boolean): T[];
* Validate input object with specified validator.
* @param {function} validator - function that takes input object and returns an IValidationResult object
* @returns {IValidationResult} - returns the IValidationResult object returned by the validator
validateWith<T>(validator: (element: T) => IValidationResult): IValidationResult;
* Check if input object matches the predicate
* @param {function} predicate - Predicate used to verify that input object satisfies a specific condition
* @returns {boolean | undefined}
is<T>(predicate: (element: T) => boolean): boolean | undefined;
* Check if input object does not match the predicate
* @param {function} predicate - Predicate used to verify that input object does not satisfy a specific condition
* @returns {boolean | undefined}
isNot<T>(predicate: (element: T) => boolean): boolean | undefined;
* Check if input array contains at least one element that satisfies the predicate
* @param {function} predicate - Predicate used to find an element
* @returns {boolean | undefined} - returns true if one element has been found.
* returns undefined if the predicate throws an exception
hasAtLeastOne<T>(predicate: (element: T) => boolean): boolean | undefined;
* Try to execute an action on input element
* @param {function} action - Action used to process the element
* @returns {IActionResult<U>} - returns an IActionResult object that wraps the result returned by the action.
tryTo<T, U>(action: (element: T) => U): IActionResult<U>;
* Check if all items of the input array satisfies the predicate.
* @param {function} predicate - Predicate used to check each item in the input array
* @returns {boolean | undefined} - returns true when the predicate returns true for all items.
* returns undefined if the predicate throws an error
areAll<T>(predicate: (element: T) => boolean): boolean | undefined;
* Extract all lines from the input string.
* @returns {string[]} - by default every line in the result is trimmed and empty lines are removed}
splitToLines(): string[];