Note: replace blocks of text in [] with appropriate data for your project. Remove, if not applicable. # [Project name]
Note: replace blocks of text in [] with appropriate data for your project. Remove, if not applicable.
[Project name]
[description and purpose of the project, list of core technologies used - react, typescript, java, spring...]
Table of contents
- Tools and prerequisites
- Specifications, access and passwords
- Project setup
- Testing
- Development and Debug
- Code structure
- Build and release
- Scripts and utils
Tools and prerequisites
- [required hardware]
- [required/recommended IDE, it's recommended configuration, plugins...]
- [required and recommended tools and their versions - cocoapods, node, yarn, npm, docker, jre, jvm, database, browser, git client...]
Specifications, access and passwords
- [links to specs (confluence, figma, word document, share point...) or project documentation]
- [links to confluence page with passwords, keystores, certificates]
- [link to appstore, google play, jenkins]
- [names of people who can grant access]
Project setup
- [libraries and dependencies installation (ideally add exact console commands and links to download)]
- [exact commands and outputs to double check whether the dependency and it's correct version is installed]
- [how to create .env file (ideally attach template) when needed]
- [troubleshooting - list of common problems during project setup and their solutions]
- [how to setup testing environment (mocha, chai, jest...), similar things as in project setup section]
- [commands used to run tests]
- [how to process test outputs]
Development and Debug
- [styleguide - best practices, conventions and customs, variable naming, usage of patterns (functional components over class components in react, boolean variables must be named isVariable or hasVariable, etc.)]
- [how to use enforced dev rules like eslint, prettier or similar alternative in java]
- [links to recommended sources which let to application of these guidelines]
- [code review guide]
- [pull request guide (what should be present in pull request, self-check, commit message, git branch naming, etc.)]
- [how to debug, what tools are needed, what approach is recommended, tips and tricks]
- [how to work with more complex or not so intuitive systems (dynamic forms, translations, push notifications system...)]
- [how to test/dev some features which require working with other systems (use web console to send marketing notification for example)]
Code structure
- [file and folder structure, cheatsheet what to find where (where are common components, screens, hooks, apis, utils...)]
Build and release
- [github/gitlab actions description]
- [docker configuration]
- [manual build/release process]
Scripts and utils
- [description and usage of helper scripts or tools if there are any present]