This is an npm package that contains all my ESLint, Prettier and Webpack configurations that I use for each project. It also contains the normalize css I always use. This will save time as I will we able to reuse this code for each project
This is an npm package that contains all my ESLint, Prettier and Webpack configurations that I use for each project. It also contains the normalize css I always use. This will save time as I will we able to reuse this code for each project
- Create a package.json file using npm init -y
- Run this command: npm i my-setup-npm-package
- Locate the package in the npm modules folder
- We want to copy all the contents of the package so we go to the npm package directory and run cp -r 'full path to the package' 'full path to your project directory' Example: cp -a /home/alvinkuria/repos/mobile-menu/node_modules/my-setup-npm-package/* /home/alvinkuria/repos/mobile-menu
- If .prettierrc, .eslintrc.json and settings.json aren't copied, copy them individually.
- If you have to copy the settings.json, then make sure you already have a .vscode directory to copy it into.
- Go back to your project directory using the command line.
- Run npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev to be able to use webpack.
- Run this command to install eslint and prettier : npm i -D eslint prettier eslint-plugin-prettier eslint-config-prettier eslint-plugin-node eslint-config-node
- Run this command for the Airbnb styles guide; npx install-peerdeps --dev eslint-config-airbnb
- Run this command npm install -g eslint