This add-on shows how to use the basic blocks of the HipConnect API. In particular:
Atlassian Connect for HipChat add-on
This add-on shows how to use the basic blocks of the HipConnect API. In particular:
- Contribute a glance
- Click on the glance and open a sidebar view
- From the sidebar view, open a dialog
- Open a sidebar view from a message action, and access the message content
- Open a dialog from a message action, and access the message content
- update a glance by a call from the add-on back-end
- Post an application card to a room
How to install
In the same directory:
- Check out this repo
- Then check out the following repo:
Then, In a terminal window, run:
cd atlassian-connect-express-hipchat
git checkout support-pluggable-clients
npm link
cd ../hipchat-connect-sample
npm link atlassian-connect-express-hipchat
- Install Redis
- Install ngrok. Create an account with ngrok to be able to create custom subdomains.
How to run your add-on
Open 3 terminal windows.
- In the first one, run
- In the second one, run
ngrok -subdomain yourSubdomainName 3000
- In the 3rd one, run:
cd hipchat-connect-sample
npm install
AC_LOCAL_BASE_URL= node app.js
Reading the repo
The Connect descriptor is atlassian-connect.json It is where the add-on declares how it wants to extend HipChat. In there I declared the dialog, glance, sidebar view and actions.
The main application router is index.js. That's what handles any request
Each view has a .hbs file in the views/ directory. The main ones are dialog.hbs and sidebar.hbs both have a corresponding javascript file in public/js (sidebar.js, dialog.js)
In layout.js, you can see the main imports.