view code in html.
A web development code viewer based on highlight.js.
Quick Start
This is an example which uses a build-in highlight.js lib as the code renderer.
import CodeViewer from 'my-code-viewer';
import HL from 'my-code-viewer/hl.web';
import 'my-code-viewer/dist/style.css';
import 'my-code-viewer/dist/hl.web.css';
// 1. create a viewer instance.
const viewer = new Codeviewer();
// 2. init with a renderer.
// 3. load your files data: Array<IFile>
// 4. append element
File Data Structure
You can view the example in src/example.json.
interface IFile {
// your filename
filename: string;
// lang: javascript, typescript, sass...
lang?: string;
// if it is a file, put content here.
data?: string;
// if it is a dir,
dir?: boolean;
// files in this dir.
children?: IFile[];
Current Lang Support
The built-in highlight.js lib currently support these languages.
- typescript
- javascript
- stylus
- scss
- less
- glsl
- json
If your want to support more languages:
// HL is the same instance as created from highlight.js
hljs.registerLanguage('javascript', javascript);
Build Your Customer Renderer
This is an example for those who want to build your renderer.
import CodeViewer from 'my-code-viewer';
import 'my-code-viewer/dist/style.css';
const viewer = new Codeviewer();
// Use your renderer.
viewer.useRenderer((element: HTMLPreElement) => {
// This first param is the pre element that contains your code.
Make Your File List
Here is a tool for you to create your-file-list.json.
// In node env.
const path = require('path');
const fileSearcher = require('my-code-viewer/tools/file-searcher');
// This tool will only search for the supported-languages files as mentioned above.
// If you want to add more languages, just:
fileSearcher.addRules('json', /\.json$/);
// @function makeList
// @param {string[]} files
// @param {string} baseURL
fileSearcher.makeList(['src'], __dirname)
.toFile(path.resolve(__dirname, 'data'), 'my-file-list.json');
For more information, you can look at the source code or the /build/local-example.js as an example.
Road Map
- customize lang support and style.