Maxonrow blockchain SDK
SDK for MXW blockchain
Getting started
1. Install mxw-api
If you want the latest, stable version, install the package from NPM.
npm install --save mxw-api
If you want the bleeding edge version which is possibly unstable, you can install the package from this Git repo.
npm install --save git+
2. Use it in your project
// Load the SDK (with require)
const MxwApi = require('mxw-api')
// Load the SDK (with import)
// import MxwApi from 'mxw-api'
// Define all nodes from which SDK can choose one
// The following list of nodes represents the current MXW testnet
const NODES = [
// Define the indexing service endpoint
// The provided URL is the Indexing service used by the testnet
const INDEXER = ''
// Instantiate the SDK
const API = new MxwApi({
nodes: NODES,
indexer: INDEXER,
backend: 'cosmos',
You can find detailed usage examples in the examples
- Assets /
- Alias /
- Events /
- Faucet /
- KYC /
- Transfer /
- Utilities /
API reference / Features
MXW SDK module
Kind: global namespace
Version: 0.1.4
- mxw : object
- .events : object
- .main : object
- ~balance(address) ⇒ Promise
- ~transfer(privateKey, address) ⇒ Promise
- ~signTransfer(privateKey, address) ⇒ Promise
- .util : object
- ~getAddressByPrivateKey(privateKey) ⇒ string
- ~getAddressByPublicKey(publicKey) ⇒ string
- ~generateKeyPair() ⇒ object
- ~getAddressFromPublicKeyByteArray(byteArray) ⇒ string
- ~decodeTx(encoded) ⇒ object
- ~getSha256(str) ⇒ string
- ~getBlock(height) ⇒ Promise
- ~getTxsByHeight(height) ⇒ Promise
- ~getTx(hash) ⇒ Promise
- ~getTxs(address) ⇒ Promise
- .alias : object
- ~setAlias(privateKey, alias) ⇒ Promise
- ~removeAlias(privateKey, alias) ⇒ Promise
- ~getAliasByAddress(address) ⇒ Promise
- ~getAddressByAlias(alias) ⇒ Promise
- .kyc : object
- ~requestWhitelist(privateKey, whitelistAddress) ⇒ Promise
- ~isWhitelisted(address) ⇒ Promise
- .faucet : object
- ~getStatus(address) ⇒ Promise
- ~requestCoins(privateKey, address) ⇒ Promise
- .asset : object
- ~createFungibleAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dynamicSupply, initialSupply, totalSupply, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~approveAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~rejectAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~freezeAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~unfreezeAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~issueFungibleAsset(privateKey, classId, owner, count) ⇒ Promise
- ~transferFungibleAsset(privateKey, classId, count, newOwner) ⇒ Promise
- ~burnFungibleAsset(privateKey, classId, count) ⇒ Promise
- ~freezeFungibleAssetAccount(privateKey, classId, owner, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~unfreezeFungibleAssetAccount(privateKey, classId, owner, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~listClasses() ⇒ Promise
- ~queryClass(classId) ⇒ Promise
- ~queryAccount(classId, address) ⇒ Promise : object
Kind: static namespace of mxw
Example: examples/events.js
Set the new transaction handler.
Kind: inner method of events
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | fnc | function | Function that will be called on every new transaction (format: (data) => {}) |
Set the new block handler.
Kind: inner method of events
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | fnc | function | Function that will be called on every new block (format: (data) => {}) |
Removes a certain handler
Kind: inner method of events
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | type | string | Handler type ('tx'|'block') |
mxw.main : object
Kind: static namespace of mxw
Example: examples/transfer.js
- .main : object
- ~balance(address) ⇒ Promise
- ~transfer(privateKey, address) ⇒ Promise
- ~signTransfer(privateKey, address) ⇒ Promise
main~balance(address) ⇒ Promise
Returns the balance of the given address.
Kind: inner method of main
Returns: Promise - balance - Wallet balance
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | address | string | Address of the wallet |
main~transfer(privateKey, address) ⇒ Promise
Transfer tokens from one address to another.
Kind: inner method of main
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
Params: number amount - Amount of tokens
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet from which we're transfering tokens | | address | string | Address of the wallet to which we're transfering tokens |
main~signTransfer(privateKey, address) ⇒ Promise
Signs a transfer transaction without relaying it.
Kind: inner method of main
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction signature
Params: number amount - Amount of tokens
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet from which we're transfering tokens | | address | string | Address of the wallet to which we're transfering tokens |
mxw.util : object
Kind: static namespace of mxw
Example: examples/util.js
- .util : object
- ~getAddressByPrivateKey(privateKey) ⇒ string
- ~getAddressByPublicKey(publicKey) ⇒ string
- ~generateKeyPair() ⇒ object
- ~getAddressFromPublicKeyByteArray(byteArray) ⇒ string
- ~decodeTx(encoded) ⇒ object
- ~getSha256(str) ⇒ string
- ~getBlock(height) ⇒ Promise
- ~getTxsByHeight(height) ⇒ Promise
- ~getTx(hash) ⇒ Promise
- ~getTxs(address) ⇒ Promise
util~getAddressByPrivateKey(privateKey) ⇒ string
Returns wallet address.
Kind: inner method of util
Returns: string - address - Wallet address
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Wallet's private key |
util~getAddressByPublicKey(publicKey) ⇒ string
Returns wallet address.
Kind: inner method of util
Returns: string - address - Wallet address
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | publicKey | string | Wallet's public key |
util~generateKeyPair() ⇒ object
Generates a new private/public key pair and a wallet address.
Kind: inner method of util
Returns: object - keyPair - Generated keypair
util~getAddressFromPublicKeyByteArray(byteArray) ⇒ string
Returns wallet address.
Kind: inner method of util
Returns: string - address - Wallet address
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | byteArray | Buffer | Wallet's public key as a byte array |
util~decodeTx(encoded) ⇒ object
Decodes a tendermint transaction.
Kind: inner method of util
Returns: object - tx - Decoded transaction
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | encoded | string | Base64 encoded transaction |
util~getSha256(str) ⇒ string
Get SHA256 hash of a given string.
Kind: inner method of util
Returns: string - hash - Hashed string
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | str | string | Arbitrary string |
util~getBlock(height) ⇒ Promise
Get a block at given height.
Kind: inner method of util
Returns: Promise - block - Block data
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | height | number | Block height |
util~getTxsByHeight(height) ⇒ Promise
Get transactions at given height.
Kind: inner method of util
Returns: Promise - txs - Transactions
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | height | number | Block height |
util~getTx(hash) ⇒ Promise
Get a single transaction by hash.
Kind: inner method of util
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction data
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | hash | string | Transaction hash |
util~getTxs(address) ⇒ Promise
Get transactions by wallet address.
Kind: inner method of util
Returns: Promise - txs - Transactions
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | address | string | Wallet address |
mxw.alias : object
Aliasing module
Kind: static namespace of mxw
Example: examples/alias.js
- .alias : object
- ~setAlias(privateKey, alias) ⇒ Promise
- ~removeAlias(privateKey, alias) ⇒ Promise
- ~getAliasByAddress(address) ⇒ Promise
- ~getAddressByAlias(alias) ⇒ Promise
alias~setAlias(privateKey, alias) ⇒ Promise
Set an alias.
Kind: inner method of alias
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Wallet's private key | | alias | string | An alias |
alias~removeAlias(privateKey, alias) ⇒ Promise
Remove an alias.
Kind: inner method of alias
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Wallet's private key | | alias | string | An alias |
alias~getAliasByAddress(address) ⇒ Promise
Gets alias for a given address
Kind: inner method of alias
Returns: Promise - alias - Alias
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | address | string | Address of a wallet |
alias~getAddressByAlias(alias) ⇒ Promise
Gets the address of an alias
Kind: inner method of alias
Returns: Promise - address - Wallet address
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | alias | string | An alias |
mxw.kyc : object
KYC module
Kind: static namespace of mxw
Example: examples/kyc.js
- .kyc : object
- ~requestWhitelist(privateKey, whitelistAddress) ⇒ Promise
- ~isWhitelisted(address) ⇒ Promise
kyc~requestWhitelist(privateKey, whitelistAddress) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to request whitelisting from the mock KYC service.
Kind: inner method of kyc
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the KYC provider | | whitelistAddress | string | Address that we're whitelisting |
kyc~isWhitelisted(address) ⇒ Promise
Checks if the wallet address is whitelisted.
Kind: inner method of kyc
Returns: Promise - whitelist - Boolean
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | address | string | Address of a wallet |
mxw.faucet : object
Faucet module
Kind: static namespace of mxw
Example: examples/faucet.js
- .faucet : object
- ~getStatus(address) ⇒ Promise
- ~requestCoins(privateKey, address) ⇒ Promise
faucet~getStatus(address) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to see when they can request new coins from the faucet.
Kind: inner method of faucet
Returns: Promise - state - Query result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | address | string | Address of the wallet |
faucet~requestCoins(privateKey, address) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to request coins from the faucet if they have less than 100 MXW.
Kind: inner method of faucet
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's requesting tokens | | address | string | Address of the wallet that's receiving tokens (optional) |
mxw.asset : object
Asset module
Kind: static namespace of mxw
Example: examples/assets.js
- .asset : object
- ~createFungibleAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dynamicSupply, initialSupply, totalSupply, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~approveAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~rejectAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~freezeAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~unfreezeAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~issueFungibleAsset(privateKey, classId, owner, count) ⇒ Promise
- ~transferFungibleAsset(privateKey, classId, count, newOwner) ⇒ Promise
- ~burnFungibleAsset(privateKey, classId, count) ⇒ Promise
- ~freezeFungibleAssetAccount(privateKey, classId, owner, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~unfreezeFungibleAssetAccount(privateKey, classId, owner, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
- ~listClasses() ⇒ Promise
- ~queryClass(classId) ⇒ Promise
- ~queryAccount(classId, address) ⇒ Promise
asset~createFungibleAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dynamicSupply, initialSupply, totalSupply, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to create a new fungible asset class.
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's creating the new fungible asset class | | classId | string | Id of the new asset class | | dynamicSupply | bool | A flag that determines if there will be a dynamic supply | | initialSupply | number | Initial supply of the new asset class | | totalSupply | number | Total supply of the new asset class | | dataLink | string | Data link |
asset~approveAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to approve a fungible asset class.
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's approving the asset class | | classId | string | Id of the asset class | | dataLink | string | Data link |
asset~rejectAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to reject a fungible asset class.
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's rejecting the asset class | | classId | string | Id of the asset class | | dataLink | string | Data link |
asset~freezeAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to freeze a fungible asset class.
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's freezing the asset class | | classId | string | Id of the asset class | | dataLink | string | Data link |
asset~unfreezeAssetClass(privateKey, classId, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to unfreeze a fungible asset class.
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's unfreezing the asset class | | classId | string | Id of the asset class | | dataLink | string | Data link |
asset~issueFungibleAsset(privateKey, classId, owner, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to issue a fungible asset.
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's issuing the asset | | classId | string | Id of the asset class | | owner | string | Owner of the issued asset | | count | number | Number of assets |
asset~transferFungibleAsset(privateKey, classId, count, newOwner) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to transfer fungible assets.
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's transferring the asset | | classId | string | Id of the asset class | | count | number | Number of assets | | newOwner | string | New owner of the issued asset |
asset~burnFungibleAsset(privateKey, classId, count) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to burn fungible assets.
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's burning the asset | | classId | string | Id of the asset class | | count | number | Number of assets |
asset~freezeFungibleAssetAccount(privateKey, classId, owner, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to freeze a fungible asset account
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's freezing the asset account | | classId | string | Id of the asset class | | owner | string | Owner of the asset account | | dataLink | string | Data link |
asset~unfreezeFungibleAssetAccount(privateKey, classId, owner, dataLink) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to unfreeze a fungible asset account
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - tx - Transaction result
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | privateKey | string | Private key of the wallet that's unfreezing the asset account | | classId | string | Id of the asset class | | owner | string | Owner of the asset account | | dataLink | string | Data link |
asset~listClasses() ⇒ Promise
Allows users to list all available asset classes
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - data - All asset classes
asset~queryClass(classId) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to query an asset class by class id
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - data - Asset class
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | classId | string | Id of the asset class |
asset~queryAccount(classId, address) ⇒ Promise
Allows users to query an account with assets
Kind: inner method of asset
Returns: Promise - data - Account
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | classId | string | Id of the asset class | | address | string | Account address |
- If the SDK loses a connection to one of the blockchain nodes, it'll try to reconnect to a different random node. It'll try to do this 10 times. If the reconnection is not successful, it'll throw an error.
- On MXW testnet, block time is around 5 seconds. This means that it'll take around 5 seconds until you can see commited changes when executing methods that query blockchain state (eg,
). So, after executing a transaction, you won't see the changes immediatelly. This lag is normal and it's due to Tendermint implementation.