a cool npm pkg
😏| mxkpkg
✅| How to install
npm i mxkpkg
💻 | Table of contents
🔨| Ban
🦶| kick
⚠ | warn
🎱| 8ball
Ban cmd
import mxkpkg from 'mxkpkg';
//you can use your own callbacks (don't use mine)
export default {
name: 'ban',
category: ["Moderation"],
aliases: ["b"],
permissions: ["BAN_MEMBERS"],
description: "a ban command",
cooldown: 5,
export: async({message, args, client}) => {
let member = message.mentions.members.first();
if(!member) return message.reply({content: "Please specify a user!" });
let reason = args[1];
await mxkpkg.ban(user, reason); //makes an embed showing the info
} as MxExports //this is my self made callback (its basically module.exports but typescript)
Kick cmd
import mxkpkg from 'mxkpkg';
export default {
name: 'kick',
category: ["Moderation"],
aliases: ["k"],
permissions: ["KICK_MEMBERS"],
description: 'a kick command',
cooldown: 5,
export: async({message, args, client}) => {
let member = message.mentions.members.first();
if(!member) return message.reply({content: "Please specify a user!" });
let reason = args[1];
if(!reason) return message.reply({content: "Please specify a reason!" });
await mxkpkg.kick(member, reason);
} as MxExports
Warn cmd
import mxkpkg from 'mxkpkg';
export default {
name: 'warn',
aliases: ["w"],
permissions: ["MANAGE_NICKNAMES"],
cooldown: 5,
description: 'a warn cmd',
category: ["Moderation"],
export: async({message, args, client}) => {
let user = message.mentions.members.first();
let reason = args[1];
if(!user) return message.reply({content: "Please specify a user!" });
if(!reason) return message.reply({content: "Please specify a reason!" });
await mxkpkg.warn(user, reason);
} as MxExports
8ball cmd
import mxkpkg from 'mxkpkg';
export default {
name: '8ball',
aliases: ["8b"],
cooldown: 2,
description: 'a cool 8ball command',
category: ["Fun"],
export: async({message, args, client}) => {
let messages = [
//answers here
//for example:
await mxkpkg.ball(messages);
//returns an embed with the answer and question
} as MxExports