A simple, flexible MediaWiki Bot
MWBot is a Node.js module for interacting with the MediaWiki API created and originally developed by @Fannon.
The library makes use of the Promise pattern and behind the scene, the NPM request library.
The design goal is to be as flexible as possible, with the ability to overwrite options and behaviour at any point. The library also lets you freely choose the abstraction/convenience level on which you want to work. You can use convenience functions that bundles (with concurrency) multiple API requests into one function, but you can also handcraft your own custom MediaWiki API and pure HTTP requests.
Since this library is based on promise, it can be used either via the promise notation, or using async/await.
Typical Example (Promise .then/.catch)
const MWBot = require('mwbot');
let bot = new MWBot();
apiUrl: settings.apiUrl,
username: settings.username,
password: settings.password
}).then(() => {
return bot.edit('Test Page', '=Some more Wikitext=', 'Test Upload');
}).then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
Typical Example (async/await)
async function main() {
const bot = new MWBot({
apiUrl: ''
await bot.loginGetEditToken({
username: …
password: …
for (const itemId of …) {
await bot.request(…);
// In the root scope of a script, you must use the promise notation, as await is not allowed there.
For more examples, read the documentation or have a look at the /test directory
Constructor and Settings
constructor(customOptions, customRequestOptions)
Constructs a new MWBot instance.
let bot = new MWBot();
Construct with custom options:
let bot = new MWBot({
verbose: true
Construct with custom request options
let bot = new MWBot({}, {
timeout: 160000
Overwrite/extend the default bot options
verbose: false,
silent: false,
defaultSummary: 'MWBot',
concurrency: 1,
apiUrl: false,
sparqlEndpoint: ''
Overwrite/extend the request options This may be important for more advanced usecases, e.g. changing the user agent or adding additional authentification or certificates.
method: 'POST',
qs: {
format: 'json'
headers: {
'User-Agent': 'mwbot/1.0.3'
timeout: 120000, // 120 seconds
jar: true,
time: true,
json: true
Login and Session Management
Login with user and password. This will be necessary for most bot actions. A successful login will add the login token to the bot state.
apiUrl: "http://localhost:8080/wiki01/api.php",
username: "testuser",
password: "testpassword"
}).then((response) => {
// Logged In
}).catch((err) => {
// Could not login
Fetches an edit token that is needed for certain MediaWiki API actions, like editing pages.
bot.getEditToken().then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error: Could not get edit token
Combines .login() and getEditToken() into one operation for convenience.
If no login is necessary for the bot actions, it is sufficient to just set the API URL instead of loggin in.
Note that it is also possible to set the API URL with the constructor:
let bot = new MWBot({
apiUrl: ''
CRUD Operations
create(title, content, summary, customRequestOptions)
Creates a wiki page. If the page already exists, it will fail
- See
bot.create('Test Page', 'Test Content', 'Test Summary').then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// General error, or: page already exists
// Or simpler in async/await
try {
const response = await bot.create('Test Page', 'Test Content', 'Test Summary');
} catch (err) {
// General error, or: page already exists
read(title, customRequestOptions)
Reads the content of a wiki page.
To fetch more than one page, separate the page names with |
- See'Test Page|MediaWiki:Sidebar', {timeout: 8000}).then((response) => {
// Success
// The MediaWiki API Result is somewhat unwieldy:
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
readWithProps(title, props, redirect, customRequestOptions)
Reads the content and meta-data of one (or many) wikipages based on specific parameters.
To fetch more than one page, separate the page names with |
. To define multiple props separate them also with |
- See
bot.readWithProps('Test Page|MediaWiki:Sidebar', 'user|userid|content', true, {timeout: 8000}).then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
update(title, content, summary, customRequestOptions)
Updates a wiki page. If the page doesn't exist, it will fail.
- See
bot.update('Test Page', 'Test Content', 'Test Summary').then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
edit(title, content, summary, customRequestOptions)
Edits a wiki page. If the page does not exist yet, it will be created.
- See
bot.edit('Test Page', 'Test Content', 'Test Summary').then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
upload(title, pathToFile, comment, customParams, customRequestOptions)
Upload a file to the wiki. If the file exists, it will be skipped. Make sure your wiki is configured correctly for file uploads
bot.upload(false, __dirname + '/mocking/example1.png')}).then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
uploadOverwrite(title, pathToFile, comment, customParams, customRequestOptions)
Like upload(), but will overwrite files on the server
Convenience Operations
batch(jobs, summary, concurrency, customRequestOptions)
This function allows to work more conveniently with the MediaWiki API. It combines all CRUD operations and additionally manages concurrency, logging, error handling, etc.
let batchJobs = {
create: {
'TestPage1': 'TestContent1',
'TestPage2': 'TestContent2'
update: {
'TestPage1': 'TestContent1-Update'
delete: [
edit: {
'TestPage2': 'TestContent2',
'TestPage3': Math.random()
upload: {
'Image1.png': '/path/to/Image1.png'
bot.batch(batchJobs, 'Batch Upload Summary').then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
Alternatively, an array.array notation can be used. The first array item is the operation name, the second declares the page name. All following array items are used as function parameters.
bot.loginGetEditToken(loginCredentials.valid).then(() => {
return bot.batch([
'Batch Upload Reason'
'Batch Upload Reason'
'Batch Upload Reason'
], false, 1);
}).then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
sparqlQuery(query, endpointUrl, customRequestOptions)
Query Triplestores / SPARQL Endpoints like those from wikidata and dbpedia.
let endPoint = '';
let query = `
PREFIX wd: <>
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wikibase: <>
SELECT ?catLabel WHERE {
?cat wdt:P31 wd:Q146 .
SERVICE wikibase:label {
bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" .
bot.sparqlQuery(query, endPoint).then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
askQuery(query, customRequestOptions)
let apiUrl = '';
let query = `
[[Located in::Germany]]
|?Area#km² = Size in km²
bot.askQuery(query, apiUrl).then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
Basic Requests
In case that the standard CRUD requests are not sufficient, it is possible to craft custom requests:
request(params, customRequestOptions)
This request assumes you're acting against a MediaWiki API. It allows you to easily craft custom MediaWiki API Request. It also does basic error handling, and uses the login data if given.
action: 'edit',
title: 'Main_Page',
text: '=Some Wikitext 2=',
summary: 'Test Edit',
token: bot.editToken
}).then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
This executes a standard request request. It uses the some default requestOptions, but you can overwrite any of them. Use this if you need full flexibility or do generic HTTP requests.
method: 'GET',
uri: '',
json: true,
qs: {
postId: 1
}).then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
Helper Functions
MWBot.logStatus(status, currentCounter, totalCounter, operation, pageName, reason)
Static function that prints "pretty" upload status log messages. Is used internally to print .batch() status messages.
MWBot.logStatus('[+] ', counter, total, 'USER', user.userName);
Injection of a bluebird.js Promise
Injection of a bluebird.js (for concurrent batch requests)
Injection of a bluebird.js Promise.mapSeries (for sequential batch requests)
Tips and Tricks
Learn how to use the Promise Pattern! It handles a lot, like concurrency, parallel or sequential requests, etc.
I can recommend the bluebird.js Promise library. This is the Promise library that mwbot is using internally, too.
- If you want to do batch request concurrently, use
- If you want to do batch request in strictly sequential order, use Promise.mapSeries
Complete Examples
Fetch content of a page, change it and upload the changed page
let bot = new MWBot();
apiUrl: "http://localhost:8080/wiki01/api.php",
username: "testuser",
password: "testpassword"
}).then(() => {
return'Main Page');
}).then((response) => {
let pageContent = response.query.pages['1']['revisions'][0]['*'];
pageContent += ' Appendix';
return bot.update('Main Page', pageContent);
}).then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
Concurrent execution of batch jobs with bluebird.js
This example takes a list of pages and executes a purge action on it. It also demonstrates how to (re)use the static MWBot.logStatus helper function
- See
let bot = new MWBot();
let pages = [
'Main Page',
'Test Page'
let pagesTotal = pages.length || 0;
let pageCounter = 0;
apiUrl: "http://localhost:8080/wiki01/api.php",
username: "testuser",
password: "testpassword"
}).then(() => {
return, (page) => {
pageCounter += 1;
return bot.request({
action: 'purge',
titles: page,
forcelinkupdate: true
}).then((response) => {
// Use MWBot.logStatus helper function
if (response.error) {
MWBot.logStatus('[E] ', pageCounter, pagesTotal, 'PURGE', response.purge[0].title);
} else {
MWBot.logStatus('[=] ', pageCounter, pagesTotal, 'PURGE', response.purge[0].title);
}).catch((err) => {
MWBot.logStatus('[E] ', pageCounter, pagesTotal, 'PURGE', page);
}, {
concurrency: 2
}).then((response) => {
// Success
}).catch((err) => {
// Error
}).catch((err) => {
// Login Error
To run CI locally, use make ci
or NODE_VERSION=16 MW_VERSION=1.38 make ci
To develop against a running Wiki, run
# start wiki
$ make up
# run the node container
$ make bash
# run tests inside the container
> npm test
> ...
# finally exit
> exit
# and shutdown the wiki again
$ make down