A custom element that makes the content sortable
Drag and drop for lists as a web component.
See Demo.
Natural movement of items using kinetic momentum
Performant (using requestAnimationFrame and css translate)
No dependencies
Clean and powerful api
Vertical lists
Horizontal lists
Movement between lists
Supports both mouse and touch interfaces
Unopinionated styling
No creation of additional wrapper dom nodes
Accepts any html elements as draggable
Allows text selection around and inside items
Handles elements of different sizes
Supports drop of element anywhere on page, finding the closest availible drop area
Handles changing visibility of drop zones
Optional drag handles
(almost) supports multiple and nested sortable containers
Configurable drop zones per container.
Dispatches events and uses css classes for changing states
Respects the disabled attribute
Handles changes in element and page layout during dragging and animations
npm install --save mv-sorter
In an html file
<script type="module" src="./mv-sorter.js"></script>
Supported attributes are:
- row: elements are displayes horizontal (default)
- column: elements are displayed vertical
- lock: Only move in selected axis
- group: Allow movement to other containers in the same group
- autosave: move element in DOM after drop
- disabled: make container inactive
Events you can listen to on the mv-sorter
- drop: details
{element, item}
- dropoutside: details
{element, item}
Methods availible on the mv-sorter
- reset(): move all items back to their original DOM positions
- commit(): update DOM placing items in their new place
- elements(): lists elements in the container, similar to what you would get from the DOM after a commit()
- elements_removed(): list elements moved to another contianer
- elements_added(): lists elements moved here from another container
The property is_altered
tells you if anything has changed, like sort order or anything added or removed.
You can also add a mv-draghandle
in an element for using that for dragging, instead of the whole element.
Missing features
Keyboard and accessability support
Scroll viewport when items are dragged to edge