A binary stream multiplexer. Stream multiple streams of binary data over a single binary stream.
A binary stream multiplexer. Stream multiple streams of binary data over a single binary stream. Like mux-demux but faster since it only works with binary streams.
var multiplex = require('multiplex')([options], [onStream])
Returns a new multiplexer. You can use this to create sub-streams. All data written to sub-streams will be emitted through this. If you pipe a multiplex instance to another multiplex instance all substream data will be multiplexed and demultiplexed on the other end.
will be called with (stream, id)
whenever a new remote sub-stream is created with an id that hasn't already been created with .createStream
Options include:
- set the max allowed message size. default is no maximum
Any other options set in options
are used as defaults options when creating sub streams.
stream = multiplex.createStream([id], [options])
Creates a new sub-stream with an optional whole string id
(default is the stream channel id).
Sub-streams are duplex streams.
Options include:
- enables chunked mode on all streams (message framing not guaranteed)opts.halfOpen
- make channels support half open mode meaning that they can be readable but not writable and vice versa
stream = multiplex.receiveStream(id, [options])
Explicitly receive an incoming stream.
This is useful if you have a function that accepts an instance of multiplex and you want to receive a substream.
stream = multiplex.createSharedStream(id, [options])
Create a shared stream. If both ends create a shared stream with the same id, writing data on one end will emit the same data on the other end
multiplex.on('error', function (err) {})
Emitted when the outer stream encounters invalid data
multiplex.on('stream', function (stream, id) {})
Emitted when a it a new stream arrives.
stream.on('error', function (err) {})
Emitted if the inner stream is destroyed with an error
var multiplex = require('multiplex')
var plex1 = multiplex()
var stream1 = plex1.createStream()
var stream2 = plex1.createStream()
var plex2 = multiplex(function onStream(stream, id) {
stream.on('data', function(c) {
console.log('data', id, c.toString())
stream1.write(new Buffer('stream one!'))
stream2.write(new Buffer('stream two!'))
multiplex is an OPEN Open Source Project. This means that:
Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is more like an open wiki than a standard guarded open source project.
See the file for more details.
multiplex is only possible due to the excellent work of the following contributors: