Multiple Date Picker for Angular (angular 2+ / 4+ / 5+)
[Badges Here]
This is a forked / rewrite of the multiple-date-picker that was used for AngularJS / Angular 1 The URL to that repo are in notations below
In this version it has aptly been title multiple-date-picker-angular which we/I will do everything I can to make these features and usage available for Angular 2 and beyond.
If there is a feature change that breaks that mold i.e. renderer2 for example... I will cut off that repo re-title the repo multiple-date-picker-a2 or a4, so on.
#What's new ?
- Complete Re-write for use with Angular 2+, Angualar 4+ and Angular 5+
- Date Range Calculator -- Allows a user/variable to enter a start and end date with will create an array of dates that span the start / end date ranges
- Date Click Helper file turns the color of square space to the clicked on color so that the end user knows a date has been selected upon clicking
Version 3.0.0 Fixed bugs and various updates
New Feature: Date range picker
New Enhancement: day click css feedback
Version 2.5.3
- Ported to Angular 2/4: working on Angular 2 and Angular 4 with Typescript AOT build process
This is a preliminary basic usage example... I will update this further and build a plunkr which will further exhibit features and functionality
In your main components HTML be sure to add this... you can use all or only the [(ngmodel)] properties.
[weekDaysOff]="[0, 3]"
The folowing should be included in your components.ts file Be sure to set the project [(ngModel)] to a blank array i.e. ***Setting project scope. this.initialCount = [];
import { Component, OnInit, Input, AfterViewInit, ViewChild } from '@angular/core';
import { MultipleDatePicker, DateRangeHelper } from '../multiple-date-picker/index';
import * as moment from 'moment/moment';
// this shows example usage
export class DashboardComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
highlightDays: any[];
initialCount: Array<any>; // this is the [(ngModel)] property
datesArray: Array<any>;
myMonth: any;
testItems: any[] = [
{'item': 'array1', 'id': 1},
{'item': 'array2', 'id': 2},
{'item': 'array3', 'id': 3},
] // potential use if person wanted to create a choosen item to associate with a list of arrays
) { }
// * you don't have to use @ViewChild as itthis is used if you want to use some functions within the
// multiple-date-picker that will help in testing and construction of your design.
// For example: findArrayofDays() { console.log('this.projectScope = ' + this.projectScope); }
// clearDays() { this.projectScope = []; this.generate(); // console.log('clearDays was fired off');}
// and runGenerate() { this.generate(); } // remove this and from html
@ViewChild(MultipleDatePicker) private multipleDatePicker: MultipleDatePicker;
ngOnInit(): void {
.then(heroes => this.heroes = heroes.slice(1, 5));
// console.log('this is here = ' + matIcons);
// set array to either [] or the following values like example below
this.highlightDays = [
{date: moment().date(22).valueOf(), css: 'holiday', selectable: false, title: 'Holiday time !'},
{date: moment().date(25).valueOf(), css: 'off', selectable: false, title: 'We don\'t work today'},
{date: moment().date(30).valueOf(), css: 'birthday', selectable: true, title: 'I\'m thir... i\'m 28, seriously, I mean ...'}
// examples to work with
console.log('date: moment().date(19).valueOf() ', moment().date(19).valueOf());
console.log('date: moment().date(20).valueOf() ', moment().date(20).valueOf());
console.log('date: moment().date(21).valueOf() ', moment().date(21).valueOf());
// ***Setting project scope.
this.initialCount = [];
// enter variables for startDates and End dates
let startDate = 1509768000000; // enter variable or ms value
let endDate = 1510722000000; // enter variable or ms value // 1502510400000
// console.log('calucator values ' + this.dateRangeHelper.dateRangeDaysCalculator(endDate, startDate))
if (DateRangeHelper.dateRangeDaysCalculator(endDate, startDate) >= 0) {
let days = DateRangeHelper.dateRangeDaysCalculator(endDate, startDate);
this.datesArray = DateRangeHelper.getDates(new Date(startDate), (new Date(startDate)).addDays(days)); // date object used not moment in this case
console.log('this.datesArray ', this.datesArray);
// takes array dates from daterangehelper and adds them to highlighted days for date picker day highlights
if (this.datesArray !== undefined && this.datesArray.length > 0) {
let daysArray = this.datesArray;
let arrayObject = daysArray.find(x => x);
let arrayKeys = Object.keys(daysArray);
if (arrayObject !== undefined && arrayKeys.length > 0) {
this.highlightDays = this.datesArray;
let stayNames = 'Christian Smith' // should be set to variable
for (let i in daysArray) {
if (true) {
this.highlightDays.push({date: daysArray[i], css: 'stay-dates', selectable: true, title: `days off for ${stayNames}`}); // set strings
// calculate addional months to add onto the month object... if this is corrupt in anyway it will default to todays month info
let monthsFromToday = DateRangeHelper.dateRangeMonthsCalculator(startDate);
if (monthsFromToday > 0) {
// this.myMonth = moment().add(monthsFromToday, 'months');
} else {
this.myMonth = moment().startOf('day');
Again, I will update the documenation more specifically with functionality and usage but this should get you started.
More to come!
previous repo information