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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




Multicoin address validator for Bitcoin and other Altcoins.






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Simple wallet address validator for validating Bitcoin and other altcoins addresses in Node.js and browser.

Build Status

Forked from ryanralph/altcoin-address.

File size is ~17 kB (minifed and gzipped).



npm install multicoin-address-validator


<script src="wallet-address-validator.min.js"></script>


validate (address [, currency = 'bitcoin'[, networkType = 'prod']])
  • address - Wallet address to validate.
  • currency - Optional. Currency name or symbol, e.g. 'bitcoin' (default), 'litecoin' or 'LTC'
  • networkType - Optional. Use 'prod' (default) to enforce standard address, 'testnet' to enforce testnet address and 'both' to enforce nothing.
  • chainType - Optional. Specify the chainType, eg 'ethereum'. If the given currency is not found but the chainType is, the validator for that chainType will be used, thus allowing unspecified tokens to be validated.

Returns true if the address (string) is a valid wallet address for the crypto currency specified, see below for supported currencies.

Supported crypto currencies

  • 0x/zrx '0x' or 'zrx'
  • Aave Coin/aave 'Aave Coin' or 'aave'
  • Algorand/algo 'Algorand' or 'algo'
  • Apecoin/ape 'Apecoin' or 'ape'
  • API3/api3 'API3' or 'api3'
  • Aptos/apt 'Aptos' or 'apt'
  • Aragon/ant 'Aragon' or 'ant'
  • Arbitrum/arb 'Arbitrum' or 'arb'
  • Arbitrum/arb 'Arbitrum' or 'arb'
  • Augur/rep 'Augur' or 'rep'
  • AugurV2/repv2 'AugurV2' or 'repv2'
  • AuroraCoin/aur 'AuroraCoin' or 'aur'
  • Avalanche/avax 'Avalanche' or 'avax'
  • Axie Infinity/axs 'Axie Infinity' or 'axs'
  • Bancor/bnt 'Bancor' or 'bnt'
  • Band Protocol/band 'Band Protocol' or 'band'
  • Bankex/bkx 'Bankex' or 'bkx'
  • Basic Attention Token/bat 'Basic Attention Token' or 'bat'
  • BeaverCoin/bvc 'BeaverCoin' or 'bvc'
  • Biconomy/bico 'Biconomy' or 'bico'
  • Binance/bnb 'Binance' or 'bnb'
  • BinanceSmartChain/bnb 'BinanceSmartChain' or 'bnb'
  • BioCoin/bio 'BioCoin' or 'bio'
  • Bitcoin/btc 'Bitcoin' or 'btc'
  • Bitcoin SV/bsv 'Bitcoin SV' or 'bsv'
  • BitcoinCash/bch 'BitcoinCash' or 'bch'
  • BitcoinGold/btg 'BitcoinGold' or 'btg'
  • BitcoinPrivate/btcp 'BitcoinPrivate' or 'btcp'
  • BitcoinZ/btcz 'BitcoinZ' or 'btcz'
  • BlockTrade/btt 'BlockTrade' or 'btt'
  • Blur/blur 'Blur' or 'blur'
  • Bonk/bonk 'Bonk' or 'bonk'
  • BTU Protocol/btu 'BTU Protocol' or 'btu'
  • Callisto/clo 'Callisto' or 'clo'
  • Cardano/ada 'Cardano' or 'ada'
  • Celo/celo 'Celo' or 'celo'
  • Chainlink/link 'Chainlink' or 'link'
  • Chiliz/chz 'Chiliz' or 'chz'
  • Civic/cvc 'Civic' or 'cvc'
  • Compound/comp 'Compound' or 'comp'
  • Cred/lba 'Cred' or 'lba'
  • Coin/cro ' Coin' or 'cro'
  • Curve DAO/crv 'Curve DAO' or 'crv'
  • CUSD/cusd 'CUSD' or 'cusd'
  • Dash/dash 'Dash' or 'dash'
  • Decentraland/mana 'Decentraland' or 'mana'
  • Decred/dcr 'Decred' or 'dcr'
  • DigiByte/dgb 'DigiByte' or 'dgb'
  • District0x/dnt 'District0x' or 'dnt'
  • DogeCoin/doge 'DogeCoin' or 'doge'
  • Enjin Coin/enj 'Enjin Coin' or 'enj'
  • EOS/eos 'EOS' or 'eos'
  • Ethereum/eth 'Ethereum' or 'eth'
  • Ethereum Name Service/ens 'Ethereum Name Service' or 'ens'
  • EthereumClassic/etc 'EthereumClassic' or 'etc'
  • EthereumPow/ethw 'EthereumPow' or 'ethw'
  • EtherZero/etz 'EtherZero' or 'etz'
  • Expanse/exp 'Expanse' or 'exp'
  • '' or 'fet'
  • FirmaChain/fct 'FirmaChain' or 'fct'
  • Flare/flr 'Flare' or 'flr'
  • FreiCoin/frc 'FreiCoin' or 'frc'
  • GameCredits/game 'GameCredits' or 'game'
  • GarliCoin/grlc 'GarliCoin' or 'grlc'
  • Gnosis/gno 'Gnosis' or 'gno'
  • Golem/glm 'Golem' or 'glm'
  • Golem (GNT)/gnt 'Golem (GNT)' or 'gnt'
  • Hashflow/hft 'Hashflow' or 'hft'
  • Hedera/hbar 'Hedera' or 'hbar'
  • HedgeTrade/hedg 'HedgeTrade' or 'hedg'
  • Hush/hush 'Hush' or 'hush'
  • HyperSpace/xsc 'HyperSpace' or 'xsc'
  • iExec RLC/rlc 'iExec RLC' or 'rlc'
  • Illuvium/ilv 'Illuvium' or 'ilv'
  • Immutable/imx 'Immutable' or 'imx'
  • Injective/inj 'Injective' or 'inj'
  • Komodo/kmd 'Komodo' or 'kmd'
  • LBRY Credits/lbc 'LBRY Credits' or 'lbc'
  • Lido DAO Token/ldo 'Lido DAO Token' or 'ldo'
  • LiteCoin/ltc 'LiteCoin' or 'ltc'
  • loki/loki 'loki' or 'loki'
  • Loom Network/loom 'Loom Network' or 'loom'
  • Magic/magic 'Magic' or 'magic'
  • Maker/mkr 'Maker' or 'mkr'
  • Marlin/pond 'Marlin' or 'pond'
  • Mask Network/mask 'Mask Network' or 'mask'
  • Matchpool/gup 'Matchpool' or 'gup'
  • Matic/matic 'Matic' or 'matic'
  • MegaCoin/mec 'MegaCoin' or 'mec'
  • Melon/mln 'Melon' or 'mln'
  • Metal/mtl 'Metal' or 'mtl'
  • Monero/xmr 'Monero' or 'xmr'
  • Multi-collateral DAI/dai 'Multi-collateral DAI' or 'dai'
  • NameCoin/nmc 'NameCoin' or 'nmc'
  • Nano/nano 'Nano' or 'nano'
  • Nem/xem 'Nem' or 'xem'
  • Neo/neo 'Neo' or 'neo'
  • NeoGas/gas 'NeoGas' or 'gas'
  • Numeraire/nmr 'Numeraire' or 'nmr'
  • Ocean Protocol/ocean 'Ocean Protocol' or 'ocean'
  • Odyssey/ocn 'Odyssey' or 'ocn'
  • OmiseGO/omg 'OmiseGO' or 'omg'
  • Onyx Protocol/xcn 'Onyx Protocol' or 'xcn'
  • Optimism/op 'Optimism' or 'op'
  • Origin Protocol/ogn 'Origin Protocol' or 'ogn'
  • Paxos/pax 'Paxos' or 'pax'
  • PayPal USD/pyusd 'PayPal USD' or 'pyusd'
  • PeerCoin/ppc 'PeerCoin' or 'ppc'
  • PIVX/pivx 'PIVX' or 'pivx'
  • Polkadot/dot 'Polkadot' or 'dot'
  • Polymath/poly 'Polymath' or 'poly'
  • PrimeCoin/xpm 'PrimeCoin' or 'xpm'
  • ProtoShares/pts 'ProtoShares' or 'pts'
  • Qtum/qtum 'Qtum' or 'qtum'
  • Quant/qnt 'Quant' or 'qnt'
  • Quantum Resistant Ledger/qrl 'Quantum Resistant Ledger' or 'qrl'
  • RaiBlocks/xrb 'RaiBlocks' or 'xrb'
  • Ripio Credit Network/rcn 'Ripio Credit Network' or 'rcn'
  • Ripple/xrp 'Ripple' or 'xrp'
  • Salt/salt 'Salt' or 'salt'
  • Serve/serv 'Serve' or 'serv'
  • Siacoin/sc 'Siacoin' or 'sc'
  • Skale/skl 'Skale' or 'skl'
  • SnowGem/sng 'SnowGem' or 'sng'
  • Solana/sol 'Solana' or 'sol'
  • SolarCoin/slr 'SolarCoin' or 'slr'
  • SOLVE/solve 'SOLVE' or 'solve'
  • Sonic/s 'Sonic' or 's'
  • Spendcoin/spnd 'Spendcoin' or 'spnd'
  • Status/snt 'Status' or 'snt'
  • Stellar/xlm 'Stellar' or 'xlm'
  • Storj/storj 'Storj' or 'storj'
  • Storm/storm 'Storm' or 'storm'
  • StormX/stmx 'StormX' or 'stmx'
  • SuperVerse/super 'SuperVerse' or 'super'
  • Swarm City/swt 'Swarm City' or 'swt'
  • Synthetix Network/snx 'Synthetix Network' or 'snx'
  • Tap/xtp 'Tap' or 'xtp'
  • Tellor/trb 'Tellor' or 'trb'
  • TEMCO/temco 'TEMCO' or 'temco'
  • TenX/pay 'TenX' or 'pay'
  • Tether/usdt 'Tether' or 'usdt'
  • Tezos/xtz 'Tezos' or 'xtz'
  • The Graph/grt 'The Graph' or 'grt'
  • The Sandbox/sand 'The Sandbox' or 'sand'
  • Tron/trx 'Tron' or 'trx'
  • TrueUSD/tusd 'TrueUSD' or 'tusd'
  • Unifi Protocol DAO/unfi 'Unifi Protocol DAO' or 'unfi'
  • Uniswap Coin/uni 'Uniswap Coin' or 'uni'
  • USD Coin/usdc 'USD Coin' or 'usdc'
  • VeChain/vet 'VeChain' or 'vet'
  • VertCoin/vtc 'VertCoin' or 'vtc'
  • Viberate/vib 'Viberate' or 'vib'
  • VoteCoin/vot 'VoteCoin' or 'vot'
  • Vulcan Forged PYR/pyr 'Vulcan Forged PYR' or 'pyr'
  • Waves/waves 'Waves' or 'waves'
  • Wings/wings 'Wings' or 'wings'
  • '' or 'yfi'
  • ZCash/zec 'ZCash' or 'zec'
  • ZClassic/zcl 'ZClassic' or 'zcl'
  • ZenCash/zen 'ZenCash' or 'zen'

Usage example


var WAValidator = require('multicoin-address-validator');

var valid = WAValidator.validate('1KFzzGtDdnq5hrwxXGjwVnKzRbvf8WVxck', 'BTC');
	console.log('This is a valid address');
	console.log('Address INVALID');

// This will log 'This is a valid address' to the console.
var WAValidator = require('multicoin-address-validator');

var valid = WAValidator.validate('0xdbF03B407c01E7cD3CBea99509d93f8DDDC8C6FB', 'UNKNOWN TOKEN', {chainType: 'ethereum'});
	console.log('This is a valid address');
	console.log('Address INVALID');

// This will log 'This is a valid address' to the console.
var WAValidator = require('multicoin-address-validator');

var valid = WAValidator.validate('1KFzzGtDdnq5hrwxXGjwVnKzRbvf8WVxck', 'litecoin', 'testnet');
      console.log('This is a valid address');
      console.log('Address INVALID');

// As this is a invalid litecoin address 'Address INVALID' will be logged to console.
var WAValidator = require('multicoin-address-validator');

var currency = WAValidator.findCurrency('xrp');
      console.log('This currency exists');
      console.log('Currency INVALID');

// As this is a valid currency symbol 'This currency exists' will be logged to console.
var WAValidator = require('multicoin-address-validator');

var currency = WAValidator.findCurrency('random');
      console.log('This currency exists');
      console.log('Currency INVALID');

// As this is not a valid currency symbol 'Currency INVALID' will be logged to console.


<script src="wallet-address-validator.min.js"></script>
// WAValidator is exposed as a global (window.WAValidator)
var valid = WAValidator.validate('1KFzzGtDdnq5hrwxXGjwVnKzRbvf8WVxck', 'bitcoin');
    alert('This is a valid address');
    alert('Address INVALID');

// This should show a pop up with text 'This is a valid address'.