Editor and CLI(called mulmd) for maintaining a set of multilingual markdown(.md) files
multilingual-markdown (mulmd)
Editor and CLI(called mulmd) for maintaining a set of multilingual markdown(.md) files
currently testing editor prototype
Started as an idea from a discussion .
TODO for intital release
- [x] define inital format
- [x] LIB: hashing rules
- [x] LIB: uuid lib / func
- [x] LIB: choose hash - MD5(cross platform and cross language) not for security, it is just helping detect changes in text
- [x] create node project (package.json)
- [x] CLI: create script with UUID and md5 included cli tutorial used
- [x] LIB: setup first test (test sample text and md5 of it)
- [x] LIB: sections parse - read md into obj model
- [x] LIB: sections stringify - write md from obj model
- [x] Editor: basic edit base file (drag and drop 1 file) sections outline, click to edit title and text separately one section at the time
- [x] LIB: initialize sections (add uuids and hashes)
- [x] Editor: publish as github page (docs folder) test version
- [x] CLI: initialize base file (add uuids and hashes)
mulmd init docs/editor/
- [x] Editor: initialize base file (add uuids and hashes)
- [x] CLI: generate file for translation from base file
mulmd init
- [x] Editor: generate file for translation from base file
- [x] LIB: clean metadata, and copy sections (after that serialize produces normal MD file for publishing)
- [x] LIB: optional section info for code blocks
- [x] DOC: define/document options that can be used in CLI via package.json or as argument
- [x] ALL: convert to ESM
- [x] CLI: read package.json for options (like the one above)
- [ ] Editor: ask option: section info for code blocks
- [ ] CLI: export clean file (MD without medatada)
- [ ] CLI: export clean folder (MD without medatada)
- [ ] Editor: export clean file (MD without medatada)
- [ ] LIB: translation info (details)
- [ ] Case 1 -
- [ ] Case 2 -
- [ ] Case 3 -
- [ ] Case 4 -
- [ ] Case 5 -
- [ ] Case 6 -
- [ ] Case 7 -
- [ ] Case 8 -
- [ ] Case 1 -
- [ ] Editor: basic edit translation file (drag and drop 2 files, together or 1 by 1)
- [ ] Editor: edit translation file: with diff of changes in base file (drag and drop 2 files, together or 1 by 1)
- [ ] CLI: sync translation by injecting missing sections
- [ ] Editor: sync translation by injecting missing sections
- [ ] CLI-pre-commit-hook: script spacification so it can be used to block unfinished edits
- [ ] CLI: allow automatic pushing code-block changes across translations (if it was unchanged in the translation)
- [ ] Editor: allow automatic pushing code-block changes across translations (if it was unchanged in the translation)
- [ ] Editor: electron app
- [ ] CLI-info: specification of the script (options and actions and infos that it can give)
- [ ] CLI-info: xxx
- [ ] CLI-info: yyy
maybe future
- [ ] CLI: lint code sections (or standardx) ... have them included and linted separetely
- [ ] Editor: lint code sections
- [ ] use git to compare current file edited with latest
git show HEAD:./filename.txt
General format is defined by JSON string injected at the end of each heading, additional brackets are added for less chance of conflict with heading title
- id of the sectionh
- md5 checksum of the textts
- timestamp when hash was generated and the hashed text id bound to the hashtrans
- for translated section is percentage of translation done-1
- for original file-2
- for copy (the copied section in) this type of section is not to be exported as it is part of the file only for keeping track of the changes.0-99
- for translation
- empty/ommited when everything is ok, any other value means something more needs to be done (checkGrammar
,in progress
). This is not part of this tool, but is a proposal for further more complex management of the sections
Other utilities may inject more properties in the JSON, so editor should not clear them.
Base file contains the original text
# Main tile
({"id":"UUID", "h":"md5"})
some text.
## subtitle
({"id":"UUID", "h":"md5"})
subtitle text etc
translations inside code
There is already similar use case for footnotes in general
- use footnote syntax inside code blocks by placing a footnote reference
,... - code block is then same for all languages and can safely be updated in an automated task across translations
- translation is placed as footnote
- this is mainly meant for comments, but may be even ok to use inside strings
- when exporting md files one can move translations back to code block and remove from text body
- if there is legitimate code inside code-block that would be mistaken for footnote syntax, one could then enforce a prefix for these translation footnotes that would then prevent the conflict with the code
example code block and translation as footnote later
({"id":"UUID", "h":"md5"})
| function code(){// [^1]
|[^1]: Comment for the function that can be translated without changing the code
UUID and hash is also generated for code sections
({"id":"UUID", "h":"md5"})
| function code(){...
when translation file is created, hash:"" to mark not yet translated.
hashing rules
- section title JSON data removed before hashing
- code-block JSON data removed before hashing
- lines: timrEnd (trimRight)
- emtpy lines removed at the end .... (not sure about this one)