A React MenuBar component using Material-UI.
Ⓜ ─ mui-menubar ─ 🍫
A React MenuBar component built with Material-UI (MUI), providing a customizable and accessible menu bar implementation for applications. A menu bar is common in desktop applications and provides quick access to a consistent set of commands (e.g. File, Edit, View).
🚀 Features
- Cascading menus with unlimited nesting
- Light and dark theme support
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Support for integrating components as a custom menu item
- Material-UI icons integration
📦 Basic Implementation
- Install the menu bar package
npm install @your-scope/menubar-component
- Install peer dependencies (if not already in your project)
npm install @mui/material @mui/icons-material @emotion/react @emotion/styled material-ui-popup-state react-hotkeys-hook
Basic usage example:
import { MenuBar, MenuConfig } from 'mui-menubar';
import { FileCopy, Save } from '@mui/icons-material';
const App = () => {
const menuConfig = [
label: "File",
items: [
kind: "action",
label: "New",
action: () => console.log("New file"),
icon: <FileCopy />,
shortcut: "Ctrl+N"
kind: "action",
label: "Save",
action: () => console.log("Save file"),
icon: <Save />,
shortcut: "Ctrl+S"
return (
⚙️ API Reference
MenuBar Interface
interface MenuBarProps {
config?: MenuConfig[]; // Menu structure configuration
colorTheme?: "light" | "dark"; // Theme selection
color?: "default" | "primary" | "secondary" | "inherit" | "transparent";
sx?: SxProps<Theme>; // MUI styling overrides
disableRipple?: boolean; // Disable click animation
transitionDuration?: TransitionDuration;
📚 Menu Configuration
Menu Item Types
The MenuBar supports four types of menu items:
- Action Items (
kind: "action"
): Clickable menu items that trigger a function
kind: "action",
label: "Save",
action: () => void,
icon?: React.ReactNode, // Optional Material-UI icon
shortcut?: string, // Keyboard shortcut
disabled?: boolean, // If true, the menu item will be disabled
- Divider Items (
kind: "divider"
): Visual separators between menu items
kind: "divider"
- Submenu Items (
kind: "submenu"
): Nested menus that contain additional menu items
kind: "submenu",
label: "Settings",
items: MenuItems[], // Nested menu items
icon?: React.ReactNode
- Custom Items (
kind: "custom"
): Custom React components rendered within the menu
kind: "custom",
component: React.ReactNode // Any custom React component
⏩ Advanced Usage Examples
Theme Configuration
sx={{ backgroundColor: '#1a1a1a' }}
Custom Menu with Icons
const menuConfig = [{
label: "Edit",
items: [
kind: "action",
label: "Undo",
action: () => handleUndo(),
icon: <Undo />,
shortcut: "Ctrl+Z"
kind: "submenu",
label: "Advanced",
icon: <Settings />,
items: [
kind: "action",
label: "Custom Action",
action: () => handleCustomAction()
Custom Component Integration
kind: "custom",
component: (
onSizeSelect={(rows, cols) => handleSizeSelect(rows, cols)}
🚨 Important Notes for Implementation
Icon Integration
- Requires @mui/icons-material package
- Icons should be passed as React elements
Keyboard Shortcuts
- Automatically registered when specified in config
- Format: "Ctrl+S", "Shift+A", etc.
- Uses Material-UI's sx prop for custom styling
- Supports all Material-UI theme configurations
Performance Considerations
- Menu items are rendered lazily
- Use memoization for complex custom components
- Supports keyboard navigation
- ARIA attributes automatically handled
🎨 Common Customization Patterns
Custom Transitions
- Configurable via transitionDuration prop
- Supports auto, number, or object configuration
Dynamic Menu Items
- Config can be updated dynamically
- Useful for context-sensitive menus
Theme Integration
- Automatically integrates with Material-UI theme
- Can be overridden with sx prop
🚫 Error Handling
- Invalid config structures will be safely ignored
- Disabled items prevent user interaction
- Type checking ensures proper prop usage
🛠️ Development
Project Structure
├── src/
│ ├── components/ # React components
│ ├── types/ # TypeScript type definitions
│ ├── utils/ # Utility functions
│ └── index.ts # Main entry point
├── stories/ # Storybook stories
├── tests/ # Jest test files
└── dist/ # Compiled output
npm run build
- Build the projectnpm run test
- Run testsnpm run test:watch
- Run tests in watch modenpm run test:coverage
- Generate test coverage reportnpm run storybook
- Start Storybook development servernpm run build-storybook
- Build Storybook for production
The project uses Jest for testing. Tests are located in the tests
directory. Run tests using:
npm run test
Component documentation and examples are available through Storybook. Run:
npm run storybook
- Fork the repository
- Create your feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
) - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature'
) - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/amazing-feature
) - Open a Pull Request
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.