Welcome to the ATM Machine CLI, a command-line interface for simulating ATM transactions. This project is built with Node.js, Chalk, Inquirer, Boxen, and Clear, providing a user-friendly experience for managing ATM operations.
ATM Machine CLI
Welcome to the ATM Machine CLI, a command-line interface for simulating ATM transactions. This project is built with Node.js, Chalk, Inquirer, Boxen, and Clear, providing a user-friendly experience for managing ATM operations.
- 🌈 Colorful CLI interface powered by Chalk
- 🔄 Smooth animations for an interactive feel
- 🧾 Receipt generation and display using Boxen
- 🔄 Animated ASCII art for a welcoming start
- 🌐 User input handling with Inquirer
- 🚀 Transaction handling with withdrawal, deposit, balance check, and transfer operations
- 🔄 Restart option for continued usage
Installation & Usage
- Install the ATM CLI globally:
npm install -g mubeen-atmmachine
- Run the ATM CLI:
npx mubeen-atmmachine
- Follow the prompts to perform various ATM operations.
How to Use
- Enter your full name and a 4-digit PIN to log in.
- Choose from options like Withdraw, Deposit, Balance Check, Transfer, or Exit.
- Follow the prompts to complete the selected operation.
- Optionally generate and view a receipt for transactions.
If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please report them on the GitHub repository.
Special thanks to Chalk, Inquirer, Boxen, and Clear for making this CLI project interactive and visually appealing.
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