Meteor Platform API Documentation Formatting Library w/ Swagger
API Documentation Formatting Library
Meteor Platform API Documentation Formatting Library w/ Swagger.
npm i git+ssh://[email protected]/mtr-platform/libs/apidoc#v1.0.7
Buat file doc.js
di dalam root folder atau index.js
di dalam folder doc dengan format seperti berikut:
const description = 'API description';
const schemes = ['https', 'http']; // Options are https & http
const tags = [
name: 'Tag Name',
description: 'Tag description.',
const paths = {
'path-name': {
get: { // Method type, options are get, post, put & delete
tags: ['Tag Name'],
description: 'Endpoint description',
auth: true, // If set true then will add an Authorization field on headers
dataTable: [ // Will automatically generate basic query parameters
{ name: 'id', searchable: true },
{ name: 'name', searchable: true },
{ name: 'phone', searchable: true },
{ name: 'email', searchable: true },
parameters: [ // Can be used to add additional query parameters
name: 'status',
in: 'query',
type: 'string',
default: '',
description: 'Index only specific status',
results: {
200: {
total: 1,
total_filtered: 1,
total_displayed: 1,
total_page: 1,
page: 1,
data: [
id: '3ec79570-75f7-11e9-8901-3778b1fc30d4',
name: 'John Doe',
phone: '88801426139',
email: '[email protected]',
'/path-name/{id}': {
post: {
tags: ['Tag Name'],
description: 'Endpoint description',
auth: true,
parameters: [
name: 'id',
in: 'path', // Options are path, query, header & formData
// If value is 'path' then the parameter's name must exist in the endpoint,
// in this example is 'id' on '/path-name/{id}'
type: 'string', // Options are string, number, integer & boolean
required: true, // If not set then the field parameter is optional
default: '2017ace8-3785-11ea-b295-84ef18e0817f',
description: 'Parameter description',
validation: ['Not empty', 'ID is in pathIDs'], // Validation set on API, free test
results: {
200: {
id: '23b97ce8-1944-11e9-9620-d5ae65e64e7e', // String
int: 1579586389, // Number
arr: ['OK', 'YES'], // Array
obj: { ok: 1, no: 0 }, // Object
is: true, // Boolean
403: {
auth_token: {
value: 'jwt expired',
msg: 'TokenExpiredError',
// Possible response code, options are 200, 400, 401, 403, 500
// Response code value can be in String, Number, Object or Boolean
module.exports = {
description, schemes, tags, paths,
Deklarasikan module library di dalam file xxx-gateway/api.js
const jsonDoc = require('mtr-apidoc');
module.exports = (router) => {
router.get('/', jsonDoc);