React Native MTPush component for Android and iOS
1. Setup
Add the mtpush-react-native package to your project.
npm install mtpush-react-native --save
If using React Native version higher than0.60 skip to step 2 because Autolinking is now done automatically .
If using React Native 0.60 or lower, run:
react-native link mtpush-react-native
2. Android Setup
- build.gradle
// Top-level build file where you can add configuration options common to all sub-projects/modules.
buildscript {
repositories {
// huawei push need. If you do not need huawei channel,delete it.
maven { url '' }
dependencies {
classpath ''
// google push need,and google push need AndroidX. If you do not need google channel,delete it.
// Please add android.useAndroidX=true in
classpath ''
// huawei push need,if you do not need huawei channel,delete it.
classpath 'com.huawei.agconnect:agcp:'
allprojects {
repositories {
// huawei push need,if you do not need huawei channel,delete it.
maven { url '' }
plugins {
id ''
id 'com.facebook.react'
// google push need. If you do not need google channel,delete it.
id ''
// huawei push need,if you do not need huawei channel,delete it.
id 'com.huawei.agconnect'
android {
// google/huawei push need,it needs to be the same as the one on google/huawei console.
signingConfigs {
debug {
storeFile file("android.keystore")
storePassword "123456"
keyAlias "keyAlias"
keyPassword "123456"
release {
storeFile file("android.keystore")
storePassword "123456"
keyAlias "keyAlias"
keyPassword "123456"
defaultConfig {
applicationId "yourApplicationId" //Replace your app package name here
manifestPlaceholders = [
ENGAGELAB_PRIVATES_APPKEY: "yourAppKey", //Replace your APPKey here
ENGAGELAB_PRIVATES_CHANNEL: "yourChannel", //Replace your channel here
ENGAGELAB_PRIVATES_PROCESS: ":remote", // Fill in the process where Engagelab sdk works here
ENGAGELAB_PRIVATES_SITE_NAME: "" // The name of the data center is optional. If not filled in, it defaults to the Singapore data center.
// The mi client configuration needs to be the same as that on the Xiaomi console, and the server configuration needs to be configured on the Portal console.
// The meizu client configuration needs to be the same as that on the Meizu console. It also needs to be configured on the Portal console.
// The oppo client configuration needs to be the same as that on the oppo console. You also need to configure the server configuration in the Portal console.
OPPO_APPID : "OP-xxx",
// The vivo client configuration needs to be the same as that on the vivo console, and the server configuration needs to be configured in the Portal console.
VIVO_APPID : "xxx",
VIVO_APPKEY : "xxx",
HONOR_APPID : "xxx",
// google push need java 1.8. If you do not need google channel,delete it.
compileOptions {
sourceCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
targetCompatibility JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
dependencies {
implementation project(':mtpush-react-native') // Add mtpush dependency
include ':mtpush-react-native' project(':mtpush-react-native').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/mtpush-react-native/android')
The huawei channel requires the
file, which is configured in the module directory of the application. Please obtain it from huawei channel consoleGoogle channel requires the
file, which is configured in the module directory of the application. Please obtain it from google channel consoleIf the meizu channel cannot obtain the token, try adding android.enableR8 = false in to close R8.
3. iOS Setup
Note: You need to open the .xcworkspace file in the ios directory to modify your package name
3.1 pod
pod install
Note: If the project has been installed using pod, please execute the command first
pod deintegrate
3.2 Manual
Add Files to "your project name" node_modules/mtpush-react-native/ios/RCTMTPushModule.xcodeproj
Push Notification --- ON
Build Settings
All --- Search Paths --- Header Search Paths --- + $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/mtpush-react-native/ios/RCTMTPushModule/
Build Phases
libz.tbd libresolv.tbd UserNotifications.framework libRCTMTPushModule.a
4. Quote
4.1 Android
4.2 iOS
refer to:AppDelegate.m
4.3 js
refer to:App.js
5. API
refer to:index.js
6. Other
Be sure to run the example project before integration.
If you have urgent needs, please go to EngageLab Community
If you want to report a problem, please call
first to get the debug log.