A versatile table module built using Angular Material
SDC Table
SDC Table is a versatile table module made with Angular Material's md-table for Angular ^4.3.5. Please read the README for help.
PLEASE NOTE: This is still in early beta and a lot of works needs to be done (github link coming soon)
List of Supported Features
All features are optional.
- dynamic table generation
- inline editing
- modals**
- accordian style dropdowns**
- table sorting (can specify which columns are sortable)
- table filtering
- pagination
- table buttons
- pipes
**The modals and accordian drowpdown features must be given a component to load. Must be passed in in the form of a ComponentFactory.
Getting Started
npm install mto-sdc-table
- Dependencies:
- "@angular/animations": "^4.3.5"
- "@angular/core": "^4.3.5"
- "@angular/common": "^4.3.5"
- "@angular/cdk": "github:angular/cdk-builds"
- "@angular/material": "github:angular/material2-builds"
- "hammerjs": "^2.0.8"
- "rxjs": "^5.4.3"
- "zone.js": "^0.8.16"
Import SdcTableModule into your application module file (usually app.module.ts)
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { AppRoutingModule } from './app.routing.module';
import { LOCALE_ID } from '@angular/core';
import 'hammerjs';
import { SdcTableModule } from 'sdc-table.module'; // SDC-Table
declarations: [AppComponent],
imports: [
providers: [
{ provide: LOCALE_ID, useValue: "en-CA" }
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {}
Import the SdcTableComponent within the component that will use it:
import { SdcTableComponent } from 'sdc-table.component';
import { ColumnWithProperties } from 'table.objects';
The selector is: <sdc-table><sdc-table>
The SdcTableComponent takes the following inputs:
// Pass in the component factory of the child component you wish to render in dropdowns/modals
@Input() private factory: any;
// Information for columns
@Input() private columnInfo: Array<ColumnWithProperties>;
// Table Data Objects for display (i.e. the thing you want displayed)
@Input() private displayObjects: Array<{[key: string]: any}>;
// Table properties
@Input() private tableProperties: TableProperties;
The ColumnWithProperties object contains all the information needed to display the appropriate fields within the table. The table properties object used to define table behaviour.
PLEASE NOTE: The SdcTableComponent will accept any kind of object, no matter how nested or complex as long as the appropriate keys are referenced within the Array of ColumnWithProperties objects.
Object Reference:
export class TableProperties {
accordian?: boolean;
modal?: boolean;
pagination?: {
supported: boolean,
itemsPerPage?: number,
pageSizeOptions?: Array<number>
tableStyles?: { // NOTE: NOT implemented fully
table?: Array<string>;
row?: Array<string>;
filter?: Array<string>;
pagination?: Array<string>;
events?: { // NOTE: NOT implemented fully
emitEvents?: boolean;
emitCellClick?: boolean;
emitRowClick?: boolean;
emitHeaderCellClick?: boolean;
emitHeaderClick?: boolean;
emitPageClick?: boolean;
emitPaginationClick?: boolean;
emitFilterClick?: boolean;
maxHeight?: number;
elevation?: boolean;
modalOptions?: ModalOptions;
inlineEditing?: boolean;
selectColumnsToDisplay?: boolean;
export class ColumnWithProperties {
public heading: string; // The table column heading to be displayed
public sortable?: boolean; // If this column is sortable
public filterable?: boolean;
public editable?: boolean; // If inline editing is enabled
public editing?: number;
public pipeOptions?: {
custom?: any;
upperCase?: boolean;
lowerCase?: boolean; // should column be in lowercase
currency?: {param1: string, param2: boolean, param3: string} | boolean;
date?: {param1: string} | boolean;
percent?: {param1: string} | boolean;
public select?: Array<{value?: any, view: string}>; // if cells should be dropdown selectors put the options and corresponding values here
// Button options
public button?: boolean;
public mdButton?: boolean;
public mdRaisedButton?: boolean;
public mdFab: boolean?;
public mdMiniFab?: boolean;
public key?: string; // The key within the object that the column is to display
public datepicker?: boolean; // is cell a date object that should have a datepicker
public minDate?: Date; // minimum date selectable
public maxDate?: Date; // maximum date selectable
public initialDisplay?: boolean;
export class ModalOptions {
styles?: {
background?: {
rgbaColor?: string;
dialog?: {
rgbaColor?: string;
width?: string;
top?: string;
left?: string;
boxShadow?: string;
PLEASE NOTE: ColumnWithProperties.key is a very important property. Please populate it with the key-path to the value you would like displayed. For example, if you pass in an array of Car objects and want to a column to display the data found int ColumnWithProperties.key should be populated with '' NOTE THAT Car is omitted! Giving it the value of 'piston' will only display Car.piston values if they exist. If this key is left blank every single key:value within the object will be displayed.
Work is being completed on outputing more events, currently only two event is returned, the updated object and the index at which it is located, a button click event.
@Output() private change: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();
@Output() private buttonPress: EventEmitter<any> = new EventEmitter<any>();
Using the Accordian Dropdown/Modals
The component to expand must be included in the entry components of the module you are working in so that you can build a factory for it and pass that to sdc-table. sdc-table CANNOT accept a component reference on it's own. A factory must be passed in using a component resolver.
// Within the parent component have this:
constructor(private resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver){}
this.factory = this.resolver.resolveComponentFactory(ComponentYouWantToDisplayInDropDownOrModal);
// Then pass the factory to sdc-table such as: <sdc-table [factory]="factory"><sdc-table>
Changes in Dropdowns/Modals/In-line Editing
changes will be emitted to change in the following object
data: Object // your updated objects
index: numebr // index in the input array that was edited
Using Select dropdowns in cells
To bind a property of the row object to an md-select style select menu simply format the ColumnData object that you want to appear as a select component like the following
ColumnData {
heading: "Country", // heading title as per usual
key: "", // key in the object to reflect
select: [ // array of options to display, can take multiple forms
{value: {name: 'Canada', abbreviation: 'CAN', population: 36000000}, view: 'Canada'}, // display the option 'Canada' but update to the object in value
{value: {name: 'United States of America', abbreviation: 'USA', population: 326000000}, view: 'United States'}
Note: if you don't need a more complex object to be bound to the field than just a string or number you can simply make select an array of strings and every thing will work as expected.
ColumnData {
heading: "Country",
key: "user.countryString",
select: ['Canada', 'United States']
- Mark Joaquim - Initial work
- Robert Skakic - Initial work
- Lukas Rossi - Initial work
Please email: [email protected]