A small, fast, modern, and dependency-free library for lazy loading. Forked from callmecavs layzr.
A small, fast, modern, and dependency-free library for lazy loading. This is a fork of Layzr.js bringing in ie9 support and some other features we needed for service projects at MT.
Features in MTLazy not in Lazyr:
- IE9 support.
- Mobile image support allowing for an additional image targeting mobiles at a configurable breakpoint.
- CSS fadein support and configurable duration.
- Some additional config options listed below
Follow these steps:
Load the script.
Download it, install it with NPM, or install it with Bower.
<script src="mtlazy.js"></script>
Image Setup
For each img
and/or iframe
you want to lazy load, put the src
in the data-src
attribute, and the class "lazyload".
<img class="lazyload" data-src="image/source">
<iframe data-src="media/source"></iframe>
This is the only required attribute. Advanced, optional configuration follows:
(Optional) Placeholders
Include a placeholder, via the src
Images without a placeholder - before they're loaded - may impact layout (no width/height), or appear broken.
<img src="optional/placeholder" data-src="image/source">
(Optional) Retina Support
Include a retina (high-resolution) version of the image in the data-retina-src
attribute. This source will only be loaded if the devicePixelRatio is greater than 1.
Ensure the proper CSS is in place to display both regular and retina images correctly. This library handles the loading, but not the displaying, of elements.
<img data-src="image/source" data-retina-src="optional/retina/source">
(Optional) Mobile Image support
Include a mobile version of the image in the data-mobile-src
attribute. This source will only be loaded if the window.innerWidth is less than the mobile threshold, which defaults to 768 but is configurable.
<img data-src="image/source" data-mobile-src="optional/mobile/source">
(Optional) Background Images
Include the data-bg-src
attribute to load the source as a background image.
The data-bg-src
attribute should be valueless - the image source is still taken from the data-src
and data-retina-src
<div data-src="image/source" data-bg-src>
(Optional) Hidden Images
Include the data-hidden-src
attribute to prevent an image from loading.
Removing this attribute will not load the image - the user will still need to scroll, and the element will still need to be in the viewport.
<img data-src="image/source" data-hidden-src>
Instance Creation
Create a new instance, and that's it!
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy();
Documentation for all options follows:
All Options
Defaults shown below:
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
container: null, // can be any container, defaults to document
fade: false, // use css fadein?
duration: 300, // fadein duration
selector: '.lazyload', // customize the css selector mtlazy operates on
attr: 'data-src', // the regular/only image
retinaAttr: 'data-retina-src', // the optional retina variant attribute name
mobileAttr: 'data-mobile-src', // the optional mobilevariant attribute name
bgAttr: 'data-bg-src', // attr that triggers bg image lazyloading
hiddenAttr: 'data-hidden-src', // stay hidden?
threshold: 0, // viewport threshold
breakpoint: 768,
callback: null
Explanation of each follows:
Customize the container that holds the elements to lazy load - using CSS selector syntax. This option may be useful when building single page applications.
Note that window
is assumed to be the container if this option is set to null
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
container: null
Should we fade in the image?
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
fade: true
If fade is true, what duration? Defaults to 300ms.
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
fade: true,
duration: 600
Customize the selector used to find elements to lazy load - using CSS selector syntax.
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
selector: '.lazyload'
attr / retinaAttr
Customize the data attributes that image sources are taken from.
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
attr: 'data-src',
retinaAttr: 'data-retina-src',
mobileAttr: 'data-mobile-src'
Customize the data attribute that loads images as a background.
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
bgAttr: 'data-bg-src'
Customize the data attribute that prevents images from loading.
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
hiddenAttr: 'data-hidden-src'
Adjust when images load, relative to the viewport. Positive values make elements load sooner.
Threshold is a percentage of the viewport height - think of it as similar to the CSS vh
// load images when they're half the viewport height away from the bottom of the viewport
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
threshold: 50
If supplying a mobile image, at what breakpoint should it use?
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
Invoke a callback function each time an image is loaded.
The image may not be fully loaded before the function is called. Detecting image load is inconsistent at best in modern browsers.
// in the callback function, "this" refers to the image node
var mtlazy = new Mtlazy({
callback: function() {
Browser Support
Mtlazy natively supports IE9+.
MIT. © 2015 Michael Cavalea