Meteor Static Site Generator - Node module to render meteor routes as HTML, using PhantomJS
Meteor Static Site Generator - Node module to render meteor routes as HTML, using PhantomJS
How it Works
In the config file, you give MSSG a bunch of routes. MSSG iterates over those routes, gets the page with PhantomJS, waits for a little bit so Phantom renders any potential JavaScript, and then saves the HTML to an appropriate file structure.
As of yet, there is nothing that makes it Meteor specific - it would work with any site with routes - so the title is a bit of a misnomer. However, someone took ssg
on npm already.
- Install phantomjs
- Install MSSG from npm with
npm install mssg
- To use MSSG through the command line, make sure you install globally with
npm install -g mssg
- Sometimes the global install doesn't work - I've had this problem on OSX. If this is the case, just install mssg locally, and run the commands in the local folder.
- To use MSSG through the command line, make sure you install globally with
MSSG can be used through the command line, or within node
Command Line
MSSG render configFile.json
With Node
var mssg = require('mssg');
references the location of your configuration file. Check out the one in the repo for an example of what you should include. Make sure you have a config file, or else you'll break the program.
Just send a pull request! Check the Todo right below for things we need.
- Add callbacks
- Testing
- Better error logging