MQTT-SN Gateway
MQTT-SN Gateway
MQTT For Sensor Networks (MQTT-SN) is a technology that enables sensors to join MQTT networks without the need for a TCP stack on the sensor. mqttsngw is a modularly designed software, that acts as a transparent gateway connecting the MQTT-SN world with the MQTT world.
Currently, the following components are available:
- mqttsngw-dtls: Listens for incoming DTLS connections from sensors and parses MQTT-SN packets. Parsed MQTT-SN packets are put on the event bus.
- mqttsngw-core: Handles parsed MQTT-SN packets from the event bus and maintains a state machine for each connected sensor. If necessary it requests a connection to the broker on the event bus.
- mqttsngw-mqttbroker: Maintains MQTT connections to a remote broker upon request from the event bus.
const fs = require('fs');
const MQTTSNGW = require('mqttsngw');
const Core = require('mqttsngw-core');
const DTLS = require('mqttsngw-dtls');
const Broker = require('mqttsngw-mqttbroker');
// Logging methods to be injected in every module
const log = {
debug: console.log,
info: console.log,
warn: console.log,
error: console.error
log: log // Will debug log all events on the event bus
log: log, // Log all events from the DTLS module
bind: 12345,
key: fs.readFileSync('gw.key.pem'), // GW's private key
cert: fs.readFileSync('gw.crt.pem'), // GW's certificate
ca: fs.readFileSync('') // CA certificate for checking sensor certificates
log: log // Log all events from the Core module
log: log, // Log all events from the MQTT broker module
broker: (clientId) => { // Factory for every MQTT connection
return {
url: 'mqtts://',
key: fs.readFileSync(`${clientId}.key.pem`),
cert: fs.readFileSync(`${clientId}.crt.pem`)
})).start(); // Starts every module