A node.js module which provides you a publisher and a subscriber, allowing you to easily run repetitive tasks. With Typescript support.
A node.js module which provides you a publisher and a subscriber for the mqtt protocol, allowing you to easily run repetitive tasks. With Typescript support.
To install mqtt-now:
$ npm install mqtt-now
Publish data
const mqttNow = require('mqtt-now');
const options = {
host: 'localhost',
interval: 1000,
actions: [
topic: 'public',
message: 'my message'
topic: 'random',
message: () => ( 'random ' + Math.random() )
With Buffer:
const mqttNow = require('mqtt-now');
const options = {
host: 'localhost',
interval: 1000,
actions: [
topic: 'public',
message: Buffer.alloc(10, 'my message')
With Web Sockets:
const { publish, Protocol } = require('mqtt-now');
const options = {
type: Protocol.WS,
host: 'localhost',
interval: 1000,
actions: [{ topic: 'public', message: 'my message' }]
With further configurations:
const mqttNow = require('mqtt-now');
const options = {
url: 'mqtt://localhost:3000',
actions: [
topic: 'public',
message: 'my message',
onError: error => console.error('Error in public')
topic: 'random',
message: () => ( 'random ' + Math.random() ),
interval: 100
interval: 1000,
onError: error => console.error('Error in publishing', error)
Subscribe and handle
const mqttNow = require('mqtt-now');
const options = {
host: 'localhost',
actions: [{ topic: 'public' }, { topic: 'random' }],
onMessage: message => console.log('Message received ', message),
messageType: mqttNow.MessageType.STRING
With Web Sockets:
const { subscribe, Protocol, MessageType } = require('mqtt-now');
const options = {
type: Protocol.WS,
host: 'localhost',
actions: [{ topic: 'public' }, { topic: 'random' }],
onMessage: message => console.log('Message received ', message),
messageType: MessageType.STRING
With further configurations:
const mqttNow = require('mqtt-now');
const options = {
protocol: 'mqtt',
port: '1883',
host: 'localhost',
actions: [
topic: 'public',
onError: error => console.error('Error in subscribing to "public" ', error)
topic: 'random',
onMessage: message => console.log('Random message received ', message)
topic: 'buffer',
messageType: mqttNow.MessageType.BUFFER,
onMessage: message => console.log('This remains a buffer ', message)
messageType: mqttNow.MessageType.STRING,
onMessage: message => console.log('Message received ', message),
onError: error => console.error('Error in subscribing ', error)
Get a Publisher
A Publisher is a function with two optional arguments: an array of topics and generic data. When called, all the specified topics will be published as specified in the options and, if topic's message is generated by a function, the generic data is passed to that function.
const mqttNow = require('mqtt-now');
const options = {
host: 'localhost',
actions: [
topic: 'public',
message: 'my message'
topic: 'random',
message: () => ( 'random ' + Math.random() )
topic: 'now',
message: data => ( data + 'ms are passed from 01/01/1970' )
.then(publisher => {
publisher(['public', 'random']);
Given this code:
const mqttNow = require('mqtt-now');
const publishOptions = {
host: 'localhost',
actions: [
topic: 'public',
message: 'my message',
interval: 500
topic: 'random',
message: () => ( 'random ' + Math.random() )
interval: 1000
const subscribeOptions = {
host: 'localhost',
actions: [
{ topic: 'public' },
topic: 'random',
onMessage: message => console.log('Random message received ', message)
messageType: mqttNow.MessageType.STRING,
onMessage: message => console.log('Message received ', message)
Supposing that there is a mqtt instance running in localhost,
The console will result in this:
Message received my message
Random message received random 0.48166328598140296
Message received my message
Message received my message
Random message received random 0.8821357744971647
Message received my message
Message received my message
Random message received random 0.8432069519144318
Message received my message
Message received my message
Random message received random 0.13065012342886484
This function publishes every a certain amount of time the data to the topics specified by the options. See Usage to have an example.
- options: The options which specifies which topics and which data have to be sent and which url these things will be sent to.
Options parameters:
- type: Default value:
. If not overwritten, the protocol and the port of the url will be determined by this property. - protocol: Default value:
. Specifies the protocol to use in the url string. Note: overwrites the protocol specified by type property but is overwritten by url property. - host: Default value:
. Specifies the host to use in the url string. Note: overwritten by url property. - port: Default value:
. Specifies the port to use in the url string. Note: overwrites the port specified by type property but is overwritten by url property. - url: Default value:
. Specifies the url used by the connection. Note: overwrites all the other properties that specify the url. - onError: Default value:
error => {}
. Specifies what will be executed in case of an error. Note: overwritten by the more-specific onError option whether specified in a certain topic. - actions: Default value:
. The actions (topic and message) that you want to publish. See MqttPublishAction to further information. - interval: Default value:
. The time in milliseconds between every publication of a topic. Note: overwritten by the more-specific interval option whether specified in a certain topic.
- topic: The topic that will be published.
- message: The message that will be published, as a string or a Buffer.
- onError: Optional. What will be executed in case of a publishing error. Note: overwrites the onError callback specified by the options.
- interval: Optional. The time in milliseconds between every publication of this topic. Note: overwrites the interval property specified by the options.
This function subscribes to the topics specified by the options and handle the received messages in the way specified by the options. See Usage to have an example.
- options: The options which specifies which topics are to be subscribed and which message handlers are to be executed and which url is to be listened.
Options parameters:
- type: Default value:
. If not overwritten, the protocol and the port of the url will be determined by this property. - protocol: Default value:
. Specifies the protocol to use in the url string. Note: overwrites the protocol specified by type property but is overwritten by url property. - host: Default value:
. Specifies the host to use in the url string. Note: overwritten by url property. - port: Default value:
. Specifies the port to use in the url string. Note: overwrites the port specified by type property but is overwritten by url property. - url: Default value:
. Specifies the url used by the connection. Note: overwrites all the other properties that specify the url. - onError: Default value:
error => {}
. Specifies what will be executed in case of an error. Note: overwritten by the more-specific onError option whether specified in a certain topic. - actions: Default value:
. The actions that specifies which topics you want to subscribe to and what to do with the received messages. See MqttSubscribeAction to further information. - onMessage: Default value:
message => {}
. What will be done with the received messages. Note: overwritten by the more-specific onMessage option whether specified in a certain topic. - messageType: Default value:
. The type of the message given as argument of onMessage callback. Note: overwritten by the more-specific messageType option whether specified in a certain topic.
- topic: The topic that will be subscribed.
- onMessage: Optional. What will be done with the received message. Note: overwrites the onError callback specified by the options.
- messageType: Default value:
. The type of the message given as argument of onMessage callback. Note: overwrites the messageType callback specified by the options. - onError: Optional. What will be executed in case of a subscribing error. Note: overwrites the onError callback specified by the options.
const promise = mqttNow.getPublisher(options)
This function returns a promise with a Publisher, which is a function that takes a list of topics and in case some data as arguments and when is called publishes everything is specified in the options given to this function. In the returned function: If no topic or an empty string is passed, it publishes all the topics. Also, in case data is passed as second argument, it will passed as the argument of each function that generates the message for a topic. See Usage to have an example.
- options: The options which specifies which topics and which data have to be sent and which url these things will be sent to.
Options parameters:
- type: Default value:
. If not overwritten, the protocol and the port of the url will be determined by this property. - protocol: Default value:
. Specifies the protocol to use in the url string. Note: overwrites the protocol specified by type property but is overwritten by url property. - host: Default value:
. Specifies the host to use in the url string. Note: overwritten by url property. - port: Default value:
. Specifies the port to use in the url string. Note: overwrites the port specified by type property but is overwritten by url property. - url: Default value:
. Specifies the url used by the connection. Note: overwrites all the other properties that specify the url. - onError: Default value:
error => {}
. Specifies what will be executed in case of an error. Note: overwritten by the more-specific onError option whether specified in a certain topic. - actions: Default value:
. The actions (topic and message) that you want to publish. See MqttPublisherAction to further information.
- topic: The topic that will be published.
- message: The message that will be published, as a string or a Buffer. You can pass also a function that returns a message. The data passed as the second argument to the Publisher will be passed as argument to that function.
- onError: Optional. What will be executed in case of a publishing error. Note: overwrites the onError callback specified by the options.
Please notice that an mqtt instance have to run in your localhost in order to the above examples to work.
To build the module make sure you have Typescript installed or install the dev dependencies. After this, run:
$ npm run transpile
The source
folder will be compiled in the dist