A cross-platform i18n library for muti-miniprograms (taro、wx、alipay、baidu、tt).
A cross-platform i18n library for muti-miniprograms (taro、wx、alipay、baidu、tt).
$ npm install --save mp-i18n
Getting Started
// app.js
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
const baseUrl = '';
const version = '1.0.0';
lang: 'zh',
indexUrl: () => `${baseUrl}/${version}/index.json`,
textsUrl: (hash) => `${baseUrl}/${version}/${hash}.json`
// pages/index.js
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
onLoad: function () {
.then(texts => {
const { hello, world, welcome } = texts;
const hint = i18n.format(welcome, { hello, world });
this.setData({ hint });
// page/index.wxss
<view class="usermotto">
<text class="user-motto">1.{{hint}}</text>
<text class="user-motto">2.{{$t.hello}},{{$}}。</text>
// console output:
{hello: "你好", world: "世界", welcome: "{hello},{world}。"}
// render result:
config( options: object)
Configure global i18n options.
It is recommended to configure i18n options in the program entry file, such as app.js.
Do not enable the debug option in the production environment.
- options: load options.
- cachable(optional, boolean): whether to enable cache, default is true.
- debug(optional, boolean): whether to enable debug mode to get more info, default is false.
- indexUrl(required, function): index file path factory function.
- lang(optional, string): initial language, default is 'zh_CN', if the option 'rememberLanguage' is set to true, the rememberd language is preferred.
- langVar(optional, string): current language variable name, default is '$lang'.
- languageStorageKey(optional, string): the stroage key for keeping language user selected, it only works when setting 'rememberLanguage' to true, default is 'i18n_language'.
- lifetime(optional,string|((prototype)=>string)): the specified lifetime for loading i18n resources.
- provider(optional, object): the api provider, it is automatically created from the current environment by default.
- rememberLanguage(optional, boolean): whether to remember the language selected by the user.
- storageKeyPrefix(optional, string): the key prefix for storage, default is 'i18n'.
- textsUrl(required, function): texts file path factory function.
- tmplVar(optional, string): variable name used in the template, default is '$t'.
- [deprecated]componentLifetime(optional, string): the specified component's lifetime for loading i18n resources, default is 'attached'.
- [deprecated]pageLifetime(optional, string): the specified page's lifetime for loading i18n resources, default is 'onLoad'.
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
const baseUrl = '';
const version = '1.0.0';
lang: 'zh',
debug: true,
indexUrl: () => `${baseUrl}/${version}/index.json`,
textsUrl: (hash) => `${baseUrl}/${version}/${hash}.json`
format(template: string, params: object, options?: object)
Format a template string with the specified parameter.
If the variable matching flag(left and right) contains special characters, please use the character '\' to escape, such as { left:"\\${" }.
- template: the template string.
- params: the parameter object to format template.
- options: formatting options.
- left(optional, string): The variable matching start flag, default is '{'.
- right(optional, string): The variable matching end flag, default is '}'.
- defaultValue(optional, string | object): the default value for formatting, default is ''.
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
i18n.format('hello, {world}!', { world:'fisher' })
i18n.format('hello, {world}!', {},{ defaultValue:'world' })
i18n.format('{hello}, {world}!', {},{ defaultValue:{ hello:'hi', world:'world' })
i18n.format('hello, ${world}!', { world:'fisher' }, { left:"\\${" })
// output:
hello, fisher!
hello, world!
hi, world!
hello, fisher!
getIndex( options?: object )
Get index resource, the index resource request will only be called once between the entire lifecycle and will be re-requested at the next time the program restart. In addition only one request will be initiated at the same time.
- options: resource options.
- forced(optional, boolean): whether to require a forced refresh.
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
{ "pages/index/index":"d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e" }
getLanguage() : string
Get current language
getTexts( options?: object )
Get original i18n resources for the corresponding page or componet (default is current page).
- options: resource options.
- path(optional, string): the resource(page or component) path, default get current path by 'getCurrentPages'.
- texts(optional, object): local texts resource, if not set, it will fetch from the remote.
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
"en":{"hello":"Hello","world":"World","welcome":"{hello}, {world}."}
load( thisArg: any, options?: object )
Load curennt language's resources and bind to the corresponding page or componet (default is current page).
- thisArg: page or component object.
- options: load options.
- path(optional, string): the resource(page or component) path, default get current path by 'getCurrentPages'.
- texts(optional, object): local texts resource, if not set, it will fetch from the remote.
- tempVar(optional, string): variable name used in the template, default is '$t'.
- langVar(optional, string): current language variable name, default is '$lang'.
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
//local mode
const texts={ zh: { hi: '嗨' }, en: { hi: 'Hi' } };
i18n.load(this, { texts }).then(console.log)
//remote mode
<view>current language is {{$lang}}</view>
{hi: "嗨"}
{hello: "你好", world: "世界", welcome: "{hello},{world}。"}
current language is zh
mergetTexts(texts: object, lang?: string)
Merge texts by specified or current language.
- texts: the multi-language texts.
- lang: the specified language, default use current language.
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
i18n.mergetTexts({ zh: { hi:'你好' }, en: { hi:'Hi' } },'en');
{ "hi":"Hi" }
setLanguage(lang : string) : void
Set current language
Recommended settings
// app.ts(entry file)
import { Page, Component } from 'wxa-core';
import { i18n, I18N_LOAD_LIFETIME } from 'mp-i18n';
// config default loader
// [taro] Component.prototype[I18N_LOAD_LIFETIME] = "componentDidMount";
Page.prototype[I18N_LOAD_LIFETIME] = "onLoad";
Component.prototype[I18N_LOAD_LIFETIME] = "attached";
// or
// [taro] lifetime: 'componentDidMount',
lifetime: (prototype) => prototype instanceof Page?'onLoad':'attached',
- options: load options.
- path(optional, string): the resource(page or component) path, default get current path by 'getCurrentPages'.
- texts(optional, object): local texts resource, if not set, it will fetch from the remote.
- tempVar(optional, string): variable name used in the template, default is '$t'.
- langVar(optional, string): current language variable name, default is '$lang'.
- lifetime(optional, string): the specified lifetime for loading i18n resources, used to decorate classes.
- [deprecated]isComponent(optional, boolean): whether the current target is a component, used to decorate classes.
- [deprecated]isPage(optional, boolean): whether the current target is a page, used to decorate classes.
Decorate method
import { page, Page } from 'wxa-core';
import { i18n, I18N_LOAD_LIFETIME } from 'mp-i18n';
export default class extends Page{
Decorate class(page)
import { page, Page } from 'wxa-core';
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
export default class extends Page{}
Decorate class(component)
import { component, Component } from 'wxa-core';
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
export default class extends Component{}
API provider
By default, provider is automatically created based on the environment. If you want to change the default behavior, set the provider option when calling the config method.
You can create a custom provider more easily by inheriting the DefaultProvider.
import { i18n } from 'mp-i18n';
class MyProvider{
// set headers and other operations
provider: new MyProvider();
For the complete provider definition, please refer to the following interface.
export interface IProvider {
getSetData(p: any): (data: any, callback?: () => void) => void;
request(params: { url: string }): Promise<{ data: any, statusCode: number, header: object }>;
getStorageInfo(): Promise<{ keys: string[] }>;
removeStorage(params: { key: string }): Promise<any>;
setStorage(params: { key: string, data: any }): Promise<any>;
getStorage(params: { key: string }): Promise<{ data: any }>;
getStorageSync(key: string): any;
getCurrentPages(): [{ route: string }];
Resource Structure
Index file
The file includes all path and version(hash value) info.
[page or component path]:[text resource hash value],
Resource file
The file include multi-language text resources
[lang]: {
[key] : [value]
"zh": {
"en": {
"hello" : "Hello",
"world" : "World",
"welcome":"{hello}, {world}."
Also See
wxa-core: build and use WeChat miniprogram core function with typescript.
mp-event: a simple event subscription publishing system implementation;
mp-i18n: a cross-platform i18n library for muti-miniprograms (wx、alipay、baidu、tt);
mp-modal: a helper cross-platform tool for miniprograms that can more convenient to use modal components.
mp-mem: a lightweight memoize library that can be used on both normal functions and class methods;
auto-mapping: map and convert objects automatically in typescript;