DynamoDB client for node.js
This is a fork jed/dynamo. I fixed some issues and added some features to keep it alive, because i'm using it within a bigger project
This is a node.js binding for the DynamoDB service provided by Amazon Web Services. It aims to abstract DynamoDB's implementation (request signing, session tokens, pagination), but not its tradeoffs/philosophy, by providing two APIs:
- a low-level-but-ugly API that supports all 13 DynamoDB operations as-is, and
- a high-level API that uses the above to provide a more natural interface.
var dynamo = require("dynamo")
, client = dynamo.createClient()
, db = client.get("us-east-1")
// High-level API
.query({id: "123", date: {">=": new Date - 6000 }})
.get("id", "date", "name")
.fetch(function(err, data){ ... })
// Same call, using low-level API
TableName: "myTable",
HashKeyValue: {S: "123"},
RangeKeyValue: {
ComparisonOperator: "LE",
AttributeValueList: [{N: "1329912311806"}]
AttributesToGet: ["id", "date", "name"],
ScanIndexForward: false
}, function(err, data){ ... })
This library has no dependencies, and can be installed from npm:
npm install mp-dynamo
dynamo = require("dynamo")
This module exposes the createClient
method, which is the preferred way to interact with dynamo.
client = dynamo.createClient([credentials])
Returns a client instance attached to the account specified by the given credentials. The credentials can be specified as an object with accessKeyId
and secretAccessKey
members such as the following:
client = dynamo.createClient({
accessKeyId: "...", // your access key id
secretAccessKey: "..." // your secret access key
You can also omit these credentials by storing them in the environment under which the current process is running, as AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
If neither of the above are provided, an error will be thrown.
db = client.get(regionName)
Returns a database in the selected region. Currently, DynamoDB supports the following regions:
Once you have a database instance, you can use either of the provided APIs:
High-level API (blue pill)
The primary purpose of this library is to abstract away the often bizzare API design decisions of DynamoDB, into a composable and intuitive interface based on Database, Table, Item, Batch, Query, and Scan objects.
See the wiki for more information.
Low-level API (red pill)
All of the original DynamoDB operations are provided as methods on database instances. You won't need to use them unless you want to sacrifice a clean interdace for more control, and don't mind learning Amazon's JSON format.
See the wiki for more information.
Testing for dynamo is handled using continuous integration against a real DynamoDB instance, under credentials limited to Travis CI.
If you'd like to run the test stuie with your own credentials, make sure they're set using the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID
environment variables, and then run the tests:
npm test
The test suite creates two tables called DYNAMO_TEST_TABLE_1
before the tests are run, and then deletes them once the tests are done. Note that you will need to delete them manually in the event that the tests fail.
To do
- Factor out tests into integration tests and unit tests
- Make all callbacks optional, returning an event emitter no callback given
- Add method to specify Limit and ExclusiveStartKey
- Travis CI for an awesome open-source testing service
- @chriso for letting me have the "dynamo" name on npm
- @skomski for turning me on to IAM credentials
- @mranney for inspiration from the venerable node_redis
- @visionmedia for making testing easy with mocha and should.js
Copyright (c) 2012 Jed Schmidt. See LICENSE.txt for details.
Send any questions or comments here.
Release History
|1.0.0|2016-09-21|use module aws4
to generate the signature. So it's possible to use new regions (like eu-central-1) with Signature Version V4 only.|
|0.2.13|2016-07-05|Use versioning as new npm package mp-dynamo
to use it within simple-dynamo
. Fixed Batch load for newer api version|