Minimal production bundler for html, css, and js
This is a super simple, standalone bundler that you don't have to run locally.
It will search given html files, note all local references to css and js files (script and link tags), and will then concatenate and minify them into bundle files. For js, it will babel-transform them too.
So, no need to run a builder every time you make a change and no need to worry about code splitting or tree shaking, just use what html already gives you for including scripts.
If one of your html files refers to a css script in a CDN, add it to the excludeCss and prependCssUrls lists (see below) because otherwise mowdown currently assumes all css files are local
To use:
First, include a .babelrc
file in your root folder. You can copy from the one in this package's repo if you want.
const mowdown = require('mowdown')
or if the html files are not in the same folder as the assets they refer to, you can do:
const mowdown = require('mowdown')
That third param takes a few other options as well. Here are the defaults and explanations:
const defaults={
isOverwritingHtml:true, //whether to overwrite the original html files or create a new one in the destination folder
isUsingBabel:true, //whether to babel-transform the output or not
sourceFolder:null, //the folder with all the asset files referred to by your html files, if different from the folder containing your html files
replaceJs:{}, //an object mapping JS script URIs to their desired replacement URIs
replaceCss:{}, //an object mapping CSS script URIs to their desired replacement URIs
excludeJs:[], //a list of script sources to not include in the final output
excludeCss:[], //a list of css script link hrefs to not include in the final output
prependJsUrls:[], //a list of script URLs to prepend to the final output
prependCssUrls:[], //a list of css URLs to prepend to the final output (for things you'd get from a cdn for prod but locally for local dev)
excludeFoldersFromCopy:[], //by default, mowdown copies everything it didn't already touch in the sourcefolder over to the destination folder, just to make sure it got everything needed for the site to run. Use this array of folder paths to exclude folders within the sourcefolder from being copied over
terserOptions:{} //any terser.js flags you want to use for when the js code is minified (see
About excludeFoldersFromCopy option
By default, mowdown copies everything it didn't already touch in the sourcefolder over to the destination folder, just to make sure it got everything needed for the site to run. Use this array of folder paths to exclude folders within the sourcefolder from being copied over