To include motion detection this is a generic component on NPM Registry . You will also need a server which is on docker hub along with this client This detects the motion on client web cam( React app) and uses server in Python based on open CV so Client
To include motion detection this is a generic component on NPM Registry . You will also need a server which is on docker hub along with this client This detects the motion on client web cam( React app) and uses server in Python based on open CV so Client just captures webcam images and server analyses these images using OPENCV to determine if there is a motion or not client can specify a call back function which server calls each time there is a motion Server is just a docker image which you can pull and run and specify its URL to client
NPM Registry(Client)
npm install motion-detector-client
Docker Image (Server)
docker pull kunalpimparkhede/motiondetectorwebcam
Usage: You just need to write following code to have motion detection
import MotionDetectingClient from './MotionDetectingClient';
<MotionDetectingClient server="" callback={handleMovement}/>
function handleMovement(pixels)
console.log("Movement By Pixel="+pixels)
On server side : just start the docker server on port 8080:
docker run --name motion-detector-server-app -P 8080:5000 motion-detector-server-app