Mothership JavaScript Library for logging errors
Mothership JS
Mothership JS allows you to log client-side errors to your Mothership account where you can gather and organize logs in addition to performing backups, healthchecks, and sync your devlopment box with your various environments in seconds.
Once you've signed up let's get started!
JS Module
To import mothership js logs as a module include it an initialize with your logging token at > Project > Project Settings > Log Settings
yarn add mothership-js
npm install mothership-js --save
import MothershipJs from 'mothership-js'
var mjs = new MothershipJs({apiKey: 'XXXXXXXX'});
Do note that you will need Mothership JS to init pretty early in your page load to catch all the errors so ensure it's bundled in something that loads towards the top of the head before any other libraries that you may want to debug
Download mothership-js.lib.js and place it in your javascript directory (the example below we assume it's called "js").
Drop the following into your <head>
as close to the top as you can and populate the apiKey with your logging token at > Project > Project Settings > Log Settings
window.MothershipConfig = { apiKey: "XXXXXX" };
<script src="js/mothership-js.lib.js"></script>
This will create window.MothershipJs
which you can access from anywhere to change configuration or execute errors in your try/catch or anywhere you need to log something.
Here are the default options
apiKey: "", // required
enabled: true, // enables or disables logging entirely
environment: null, // String defining the environment
version: null, // String defining the version
minimumErrorLevel: "debug", // The minimum error level to log (must be at least "error" to capture uncaught exceptions)
customPayload: {}, // An object of any custom information
allowedDomains: [], // Array of strings of domains that should be logged
disallowedDomains: [], // Array of strings of domains that shouldn't be logged
disableIPCapture: false, // Tells Mothership not to store the IP Address of the client logging
captureUncaught: true // If disabled will not capture uncaught exceptions
They can be set on the library install like-a-so:
apiKey: "XXXXXX",
disallowedDomains: ['', ''],
<script src="/main.js"></script>
Or, on when using it as a js module:
new MothershipJs({
apiKey: 'XXXXXXXX',
disableIPCapture: true,
You can also set individual settings like so:
Setting options from the library instance
window.MothershipJs.environment = "production";
window.MothershipJs.version = "1.0.3";
Setting options from js module instance
mjs.environment = "production";
mjs.version = "1.0.3";
Out of the box Mothership JS will automatically submit all uncaught errors that happen. If you would like to log errors that are caught you can use the following methods:
Example from Library Install
window.MothershipJs.critical("Woah, we messed up");
window.MothershipJs.error("Like... really messed up");
window.MothershipJs.warn("I mean... not that bad");"We just wanted to know");
window.MothershipJs.debug("This was all a test");
Example when using the JS Module
mjs.critical("Woah, we messed up");
mjs.error("Like... really messed up");
mjs.warn("I mean... not that bad");"We just wanted to know");
mjs.debug("This was all a test");
Development and Testing
This will build both the library and the js module packages
yarn build-lib
npm run build-lib
yarn serve
npm run serve
yarn test
npm run test