Subjects for @most/core
Subjects for @most/core
Get it
yarn add most-subject
# or
npm install --save most-subject
API Documentation
create<A>(): Subject<A, A>
create<A, B>(f: (stream: Stream<A>) => Stream<B>): Subject<A, B>
Returns an tuple containing a AttachSink
and a Stream
. AttachSink
can be
used to imperatively control the events flowing through the Stream
declaratively using attach
. Optionally, a function can be applied to the Stream,
and the return value of that function will be returned as the second tuple value.
import { create, event } from 'most-subject'
import { runEffects, propagateEventTask } from '@most/core'
import { newDefaultScheduler, currentTime } from '@most/scheduler'
// Create a new `Scheduler` for use in our application.
// Usually, you will want to only have one Scheduler, and it should be shared
// across your application
const scheduler = newDefaultScheduler()
// Create our sink and our stream.
// NOTE: stream is the resulting value of tap(console.log, stream).
const [ sink, stream ] = create(tap<number>(console.log))
// Pushes events into our stream.
const next = (n: number) => event(currentTime(scheduler), n, sink)
// Activate our stream.
runEffects(stream, scheduler)
// Simulate asynchronous data fetching,
// and then push values into our stream.
Promise.resolve([ 1, 2, 3 ])
.then(data => data.forEach(next))
attach<A>(attachSink: AttachSink<A>, stream: Stream<A>): Stream<A>
Create circular dependencies with additional logic to help avoid memory leaks.
WARNING: There isn't any logic for breaking infinite loops.
import { Stream } from '@most/types'
import { create, attach } from 'most-subject'
import { periodic, scan, take, runEffects } from '@most/core'
import { newDefaultScheduler } from '@most/scheduler'
// Create a new Scheduler for use in our application.
// Usually, you will want to only have one Scheduler, and it should be shared
// across your application.
const scheduler = newDefaultScheduler()
const [ sink, stream ] = create<number>()
// Listen to our stream.
// It will log 1, 2, and 3.
runEffects(tap(console.log, take(3, stream)), scheduler)
const origin = scan(x => x + 1, 0, periodic(100))
event<A>(time: Time, value: A, sink: Sink<A>): void
A curried function for calling Sink.event(time, value)
error(time: Time, error: Error, sink: Sink<any>): void
A curried function for calling Sink.error(time, error)
end(time: Time, sink: Sink<any>): void
A curried function for calling Sink.end(time)
Subject<A, B>
import { Sink, Stream } from '@most/types'
export type Subject<A, B> = [AttachSink<A>, Stream<B>]
import { Sink } from '@most/types'
export AttachSink<A> extends Sink<A> {
attach(stream: Stream<A>): Stream<A>