convert text to morse audio
#morse-mp3 convert text to morse audio
###To use in CLI:
npm install -g morse-mp3
morse-mp3 [optional filename] [string to convert]
####For example:
morse-mp3 "hear this text"
will play "hear this text" in OSX. It might work on windows too (untested).
morse-mp3 morse.mp3 SOS
will save SOS in morse to morse.mp3 and play it
###To use in a library:
npm install morse-mp3
morseToMp3 = require('morse-mp3')
morseToMp3.convert(textToConvert, exportFile)
####For example:
exportFile = path.join(__dirname, 'morse.mp3');
morseToMp3('SOS', exportFile)
to convert "SOS" to morse and then save it in the script's directory under morse.mp3
###Additional Info:
Change the short, long, and silent .mp3 files in order to change the sound and time used for the tones (e.g. if you want to add a background noise or change the length of time each sound is held for).
The space between letters is silent.mp3 played once, the space between words is silent.mp3 played 3 times.
Made for use in HackDFW's 2016 morse minigame