A Brilliant Animator
_ _ ____ ____ ___ _ _ ____ _ _ ____
|\/| | | |__/ |__] |__| |___ | | [__
| | |__| | \ | | | |___ |__| ___]
A Brilliant Animator.
Morpheus lets you "tween anything" in parallel on multiple elements; from colors to integers of any unit (px, em, %, etc), with easing transitions and bezier curves, including CSS3 transforms (roate, scale, skew, & translate) -- all in a single high-performant loop utilizing the CPU-friendly requestAnimationFrame standard.
It looks like this:
var anim = morpheus(elements, {
// CSS
left: -50
, top: 100
, width: '+=50'
, height: '-=50px'
, fontSize: '30px'
, color: '#f00'
, transform: 'rotate(30deg) scale(+=3)'
, "background-color": '#f00'
// API
, duration: 500
, easing: easings.easeOut
, bezier: [[100, 200], [200, 100]]
, complete: function () {
// stop an animation
// jump to the end of an animation and run 'complete' callback
General Tweening
function (position) {
// do stuff with position...
// like for example, use bezier curve points :)
var xy = morpheus.bezier([[startX, startY], <[n control points]>, [endX, endY]], position)
function () {
100, // start
300 // end
* morpheus:
* @param element(s): HTMLElement(s)
* @param options: mixed bag between CSS Style properties & animation options
* - {n} CSS properties|values
* - value can be strings, integers,
* - or callback function that receives element to be animated. method must return value to be tweened
* - relative animations start with += or -= followed by integer
* - duration: time in ms - defaults to 1000(ms)
* - easing: a transition method - defaults to an 'easeOut' algorithm
* - complete: a callback method for when all elements have finished
* - bezier: array of arrays containing x|y coordinates that define the bezier points. defaults to none
* - this may also be a function that receives element to be animated. it must return a value
* @return animation instance
See the live examples
Language LTR - RTL support
For those who run web services that support languages spanning from LTR to RTL, you can use the drop-in plugin filed called rtltr.js found in the src directory which will automatically mirror all animations without having to change your implementation. It's pretty rad.
Browser support
Grade A & C Browsers according to Yahoo's Graded Browser Support. CSS3 transforms are only supported in browsers that support the transform specification.
Ender integration
Got Ender? No? Get it.
$ npm install ender -g
Add Morpheus to your existing Ender build
$ ender add morpheus
Write code like a boss:
$('#content .boosh').animate({
left: 911,
complete: function () {
Usage Notes
Therefore, at minimum, you need to set a color before animating. = '#ff0';
morpheus(element, {
color: '#000'
With Bonzo installed in Ender.
$('div.things').css('color', '#ff0').animate({
color: '#000'
fontSize: '2em'
, width: '50%'
fontSize: '+=1.5em'
, width: '100%'
You also get two other fancy fading hooks
$('p').fadeIn(250, function () {
$('p').fadeOut(500, function () {
})[morpheus.transform] = 'rotate(30deg) scale(1)'
morpheus(element, {
transform: 'rotate(0deg) scale(+=3)'
AMD Support
require('morpheus.js', function (morpheus) {
morpheus(elements, config)
or as usual with ender
var morpheus = require('morpheus')
If you're looking to contribute. Add your changes to src/morpheus.js
Then run the following
$ npm install smoosh -g
$ npm install --dev
$ make
$ open tests/tests.html
Morpheus (c) Dustin Diaz 2011 - License MIT
Happy Morphing!